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Kiwis: hopelessly uninformed socialists.
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The Breakfast show on tvnz is like the Late show with Letterman!! With daily attacks and piss takes at Romney!!
Somebody WATCHES the Breakfast show on tvnz??
Ron Paul.
Hopeless foreign and immigration policies, Ross. Otherwise, good, imho.
Rand Paul
I’m sure there should be a “With this choice, I’m glad I don’t live in the US” option.
With the choices we are faced with all over the West, James, we’re no better off than Americans are.
Christ you guys a so fucking ignorant
That an openly avowed muslim communist traitor like Osama bin Kenya, completely disdainful of the US constitution, and with more laws challenged and overturned in the supreme court than any other president is still far far to the right of any politician that has been elected in NZ
Obama is to the right of Muldoon, to the right of Hide, Douglas, Prebble, Banks, far to the right of Colin Craig – let alone John Key the State-House State-School kid!
Osama-bin-Kenya supports nuclear weapons, drone strikes, Seal teams, nuclear power, private health insurance (and a fine if you don’t take out private insurance) charter schools and on and on and on.
No NZ political party that has ever had an MP as been anywhere near as right-wing as Osama. No-one.
Simple question: How would Osama-bin-Kenya have death with the Urewera terrorists? Predators and Hellfire!
Andrew, (‘Sinner’) you’re most welcome to comment here. But if you insult our commenters that will change real fast. Make your point without abusing people.
Further, you’re wrong on at least three points–Obama does not support nuclear weapons–at least, not U.S. nukes. Do try to keep up–he’s even suggested the U.S. unilaterally neuter themselves in that department, as well as offering Russia the Brit’s Trident missile codes.
He also does not support “private health insurance”–he supports taxpayers being forced to pay for the government-run health insurance of illegal immigrants and welfare losers. Wrong again.
Supports SEAL teams? Only when there’s an electoral advantage in it for him. And he’s perfectly happy to jeapardise their operational security in order to have Hollywood make an election commercial for him. Wrong again.
“Simple question: How would Osama-bin-Kenya have death with the Urewera terrorists? Predators and Hellfire!”
Wrong. So far, at least, it would be illegal for a U.S President to order a predator strike on home soil. Try to separate your fantasies from fact, eh?
Predators and hellfire? They didn’t manage that at Ruby Ridge, or Waco or anywhere else US federal authorities have been met with a similar challenge. All they’ve managed is bureaucratic bungling and instigating massacre!
To be fair this only reflects the hopelessly uninformed who click on Herald polls.
It doesn’t reflect me at all because I never click on them – though from time to time I have been tempted to screw with them by multi-voting multiple times, easy if you know how but why bother?
“To be fair this only reflects the hopelessly uninformed who click on Herald polls.”
True enough, Andrei but most people get their “news” from outlets such as the Herald and television.
The media(and Obama’s machine) have turned him into a celebrity.
They did the same thing with the traitor Blair in the UK.
The ignorariat will always vote for celebrity over substance. And of course the people who vote for the likes of those politicians are clients of the state so it’s in their interests to vote for these thieves of the Treasury.
Bloody shocker!
Would expect nothing less from people who think John Key can walk on water.
Fuck off!!!!!!!
And right on due, Adolf pulls on the tutu and breaks out the Dance of the
Signetsfelchtards.Dance of the cygnets :roll C Y G N E T S – cygnets
Never the less you are correct – National Party droogs are blinded by their allegiance to the party and fail to see it is just the not Labour party, full of all sorts of odd bod socialists, assorted freaks and mediocrities
Shit balls! Still factually correct, and bloody funny, but the sting goes from the tail because I choose that comment to make my one mistake for the decade!!
!!!!OOOMMMGGG!!!Did someone say “shit balls?” Berry is doing about as well as his Harvard Law grades. Strange to say, Yrs Trly was in Berry’s class and for the life of me, I just can’t recall him. But of course Yrs Try was doing plenty of spliffs in those days. Perhaps Berry was an online student from Kenya OoPS got a beep tata.!!!OOOMMMG!!!it’sBerry’s old dealer!!!!
I constantly come across people who will just casually say “Obama is doing a great job isn’t he?” (And usually posed as a question, I’m not sure if that is significant or just a kiwi-ism)
When challenged to present evidence of this, the almost-assured response is “Well at least he is better than Bush” without actually mentioning any of Obama’s positions.
The most annoying is running across people adamant that Obama has kept his campaign promises “No, he HAS closed Guantanamo Bay detention centre”, (I actually had that argument) or that his agenda is working “At least he passed a proper healthcare bill and saved the American economy”.
Hopeless, isn’t it? Talking to people like that, it’s impossible to back the conversation up far enough to engage in first principles.
What these clowns are looking for in politicians is celebrities. Never mind the substance, just feel the glitz…..
We’re in the age of shallow pleasures enjoyed by shallow people who can be manipulated by whatever’s trendy at that moment.
Sheep led by charlatans. *spit*
“proper healthcare bill”? Even if true, look who benefits, and who pays:
“34% of immigrants lack health insurance, compared to 13% of natives. Immigrants and their U.S.-born children account for 71% of the increase in the uninsured since 1989”
U.S. Census Bureau.
Interest to consuder the hapless WHite House spokesman couldn’t say what diffrence there was between Obama pouring tax payers’ money into Solyndra and other businesses of his cronies on the one hand and Mitt Romney investing Bain Capital’s money in struggling businesses, most of which were turned around, on the other.
America has the choice of electing Romney with a record of winning, or Obama, the most efficient loser in presidential history.
I do hope the GOP puts up a TV ad featuring Obama at the races, throwing billions of voters’ money at the bookies and then watching all his picks die at the final turn or come in dead set last.
I know you’ve seen this before but I love the sound of that name, Uncle Omar Onyango,I wonder how many of those who think the Keynesian is doing a good job have heard of Onyango or the Granny in Kenya?The MSM aren’t telling.
The Big 0 scores highly on such meaningless, plastic polls simply due to the name recognition factor.
This indicates a need for the introduction of a qualified franchise in New Zealand.
“This indicates a need for the introduction of a qualified franchise in New Zealand.”
It sure does. And a voter’s IQ test, which Tanz below would fail spectacularly.
That must rate as the most idiotic comment I have ever seen on any blogs. It makes Sludge and Philu look almost rational. :roll
“Obama at least has humility.”
I think this comment fully justifies the title of this post.
Obama has “humility”?????
What fucking planet are you from, Tanz? This is the man who claimed to be a law professor when he’s no such thing, who claimed that his election marked the moment the seas began to recede (Canute, anyone?)…aah hell, I cant be bothered listing all the examples of his egotistical, narcissistic behaviour and utterances.
For fuck’s sake go and get informed before commenting here.
Oh the Humility.
Guys, I think Tanz might be on to something here. I mean, has the US ever had a King so humble he would bow down and prostrate himself before anybody, let alone his nation’s enemies? Have Americans ever had a ruler so humble he would generously give his people not one, but two autobiographies (before hitting 50 – just wait for the third me to come out dealing with the Presidential Years!)? And what about this. The Dear Leader, His Imperial Majesty is so humble about his brilliance he doesn’t want all the so called geniuses who aren’t him to get jealous, so he’s ensured his academic record is sealed last it blind we mere mortals. He has humbly agreed to take over the entire health care system, to ensure those who have the temerity to call themselves “doctors” or, even worse, insurance companies are kept as far away as possible from the health of his subjects. Then, he humbly bought his union buddies a couple of car companies, because after all everyone knows the unions run companies far better than those nasty capitalist pigs in the bourgeoisie, don’t they? And to top it all off, he’s so brilliant he’s been able to do all of this while at the same time refusing – REFUSING, I tells ya to join the PGA, because the brilliance shiwn through his 100-plus rounds of golf would shame those purporting to be “professional” golfers.
See, His Majesty is the bravest, most brilliant, most humble Manchurian Moslem to ever live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Oh wait, those aren’t examples of His humility are they? They’re something else altogether. In that case, it appears a village somewhere in small-town New Zealand has lost its idiot. :popcorn
According to the liberal Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, President Obama met yesterday with “about 20 Conservative Jewish community leaders.” At that meeting, Ha’aretz reports, Obama “stressed he probably knows about Judaism more than any other president, because he read about it.”
Really? They teach “Know Your Enemy” classes at the madrassa?
Well, Tanz wasn’t much fun. Fish, barrel etc. We need a better class of clown.
I thought you just let her stay because you promised Mara you’d give her some target practice. Mebbe choose a target that will move next time, rather than one that just sits there gape-jawed waiting to be shot?
:whoop I did, but Mara is missing in action. You did a fine job instead, but as you say…”gape-jawed”. No fun, is it?
We desperately need more people like this man!
Awesome rant. I wonder how often that happens in the communist countries of Oceania, that legislation is presented on the day it is to be voted. I guess it’s different because of the First/Second/Third Reading process, but I guess it happens often enough when governments use and abuse “urgency” to get their pet legislation through. :gunner
I’m reminded of Pelosi’s appalling comment about Obamacare: “you’ll have to pass the bill to see what’s in it”. :rant
At least in the US they have an objective baseline against which to measure legislation, KG. The Supremes have the last laugh, and in the case of His Majesty’s Nationalisation of the Health Care System, they will render their decision in about 2 weeks.
Such an affront to decency would pass here in the Antipodes without such scrutiny, and likely also without so much as a murmur,as we live not in democracies but in Parliamentary Dictatorships. And we get to have our say in two ways: once every 3 years at the ballot box (bwahahahaha), or in a more kinetic manner… :gunner figuratively speaking, of course.
Well, that’s true enough, Gantt. But the Supremes have done a great deal–a very great deal–to undermine the intent of the framers of the Constitution.
The minute they claimed it was a “living, breathing document”, subject to fashion, they doomed it.
Yet another reason why it’s so so important to evict His Majesty come November 6. It’s likely the next Prez will get to nominate 2, or maybe even 3, Supremes. Can you imagine if the Court was comprised of Alito, Thomas and 7 Ginsbergs? Can you imagine what they’ll let His Imperial Majesty and Erich von Holder do to the US?
Oh fuck, scratch, yawn … emerging from my lair…who is this idiot Tanz? Nobody worth a shower and tooth brush; much less the engagement of a functioning brain. I try to not offend the handicapped so shall creep back to the crypt without foul comment. Moron.
What an angry mob you are. I’m fffffiiing off alright, but thanks for the aggresive responses. Bunker somewhere CR, or your mothers basement? This blog is just outright angry anyway!!
“Thanks for the aggressive response”? What the hell else did you expect, coming into a conservative site and making an ignorant comment utterly unsupported by facts?
You need to go away, get an education and grow up before mixing it with the adults.
Tanz flounces out of the room–“you’re all so howibble and everwything!”
Stomp stomp stomp stomp. BANG (goes the bedroom door)
“IT’S NOT FAIR!!! You’re all JUST SO MEAN to that poor, decent
KenyanIndonesianAfrican-AmericanMoslemChristianhomosexualFamily Man!!!!”/sarc
(See, I have a six year-old and I know how they carry on when they don’t get their own way).
I note in passing there was no objective response to the repudiation of it’s description of His Imperial Majesty as having “humility” (not that there could be, of course). :popcorn
Objective response? Fair go, mate–she couldn’t spell it, let alone know what that means.
OK, any response would have been a surprise. “Shut Up!” and “You’re So Mean” don’t count as responses.
Tanz please come back and tell me, woman to woman, why Obama is humble. I will listen. Promise. Double promise. Forget all the horrible men here. I’m listening. There could be stuff that has escaped me so far and which you understand far better. Sorry if I was mean before.
One of my kittens caught a mouse yesterday. The mouse managed to hide under a shrub briefly. I can imagine the kitten saying exactly the same thing. :popcorn
You must remember that most Kiwis still get their news for the the NZ MSM, which is utterly utterly biased, ignorant and in the Tank for ‘Teh Won’.
When I talk to friends and family about exactly how much of a clusterfuck obama is, all I get is confusion. Most common reply “Well I’ve never heard about that”. Tis an uphill battle…
“Tis an uphill battle…”
Almost impossible, isn’t it. The State Propaganda Service has a huge head start and advantage.
has been moved to trash, on the basis it has absolutely nothing worthwhile to contribute to the conversation.