“When there is no justice, what, then, is the role of the state, but a band of robbers expanded?” – St. Augustine, City of God, 410 AD
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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You might enjoy M. Stanton Evans’s book The Theme Is Freedom, which spends a fair amount of time on the restraining effect the Church exerted on monarchs of the medieval and Renaissance periods.
Yes – the Church these days is portrayed as an oppressor, usually by big Government types who want to marginalize its voice in public dialogue.
They have been really successful – the only time you ever see a “bishop” on TV is is usually one of those female pseudo ones going along with the progressive agenda. The rest of been subdued into silence.
Of course in the East we still have masculine Bishops with fire in their bellies.
Like this one
Thanks, Francis. I’ll go look for it.
Here’s a piece from the excellent inspector gadget.
Gawd, it must be depressing to be a real cop in Britain nowadays. How do they tolerate that garbage?
Excellent quote.
Can you (like me) see the grip of the totalitarian left growing ever tighter everywhere you fucking well look?
Yes, RB, I can. And the process is accelerating, especially over the last six months or so.
A classic Reuters hit piece on a interesting subject involving justice-
Now,maybe parents can choose not to send their children to the government run Sta lag school system.
Some things are beyond satire
Good grief! That lot over at the Hand Mirror need to lighten up, get a life, get their minds above their vaginas, get a sense of humour and most of all…get *****
Should be obvious to even the dumbest C–t that it’s a carpet muncher festival.
But it’s also open to their “straight allies”,see,it is a war they are waging,and it’s against straight people.
I don’t know if you chaps and chapettes read http://www.theulstermanreport.com but I think maybe you should in particular the series of interviews with “Whitehouse Insider”. If what he’s saying is true (and all WHI’s previous stuff has turned out to be right on the money) then the USA is in real trouble, if Obama gets a second term then it will be game over and if the US falls the West including NZ won’t be far behind.
This is beyond the usual partisan Democrat & Republican bullshit, I think there is a real Manchurian Candidate sitting in the Whitehouse and he’s starting to fall apart. Watch his recent appearances, even in fully rehearsed and set-up presentations to the adoring party faithful – in particular watch the close-ups: the absolutely pancaked makeup; the wildly fast blinking eyes; the extremely dilated pupils; the unfocused and literally swiveling eyes; the micro-expressions on his face that occur for a split second that are totally against the content of his words; and of course his complete lack of words when the teleprompter pauses to stops – you can literally see the wheels spinning but nobody’s home.
All poli’s to a big extent are pseud’s and phonies, take a some of the slickest and smarmiest frauds – Clinton, Blair or even Romney – they are total fakes but underneath there is some substance. With Obama I just don’t get that feeling – there is literally no substance, nothing, a vacuum. I’m guessing his puppetmasters will keep a tighter and tighter leash on him, but it probably won’t work so they’ll fall back on the good old tried and true going right back to Lenin himself – firstly: a crisis (take your pick) and then secondly: an enemy (hmmm, I wonder who). Or possibly the anointed one simply comes apart and they lose control of him and he goes off reservation. Whatever happens there’s a storm coming and that right soon.
Thanks for the link, Anon.
“Whatever happens there’s a storm coming and that right soon.”
I get that feeling, have for some time, and now I just wish to get it done. Not done and over with, because it won’t be “over with” for possibly years. But let’s get the damn thing started so we know what we’re dealing with.
“The City of God” was written at a time when the Roman Empire of the West was collapsing and in response to that collapse.
It is quite clear that our civilization is collapsing and that our leaders are at best helpless but actually complicent in that collapse.
Sometimes I feel like Jeremiah seeing what is coming down the pike, trying to warn people and getting nowhere.
Augustine was writing at a time when the Roman Empire was in its death throes. [AD410 was the year then The Imperial City was sacked by barbarians for the first time in a thousand years. It was also the year that Emperor Honorius wrote to the Britons – irony! – replying to their plea for help defending their homes from barbarians to say that “Sorry but you’re on your own from now on”.]
The general feeling was that Rome’s ever-extortionate taxes, bureaucracy and social controls were a poor bargain when the State took so much but delivered so little in return. Indeed, the Roman State had broken the social contract by failing to fulfill the most basic function of government: the defense of The People. Augustine was thus articulating the prevailing sense of shock and disillusion – What was it all about now that a millennium of continuity was no more and its rulers had no answers?
At least one modern writer has argued that many citizens and those with wealth to preserve decided to ignore Rome and reach a new accommodation with the barbarians who were the de facto new rulers of their respective districts. For one thing, under barbarian rule one had almost limitless personal freedom – and paid no taxes.
The World was truly Turned Upside Down whilst the parallels with Western civilization today are pretty close in many respects I’d say.