The point at which England’s history ended.

A country fallen so far….and so fast.

(via Andrew Bolt)

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10 Responses to The point at which England’s history ended.

  1. KG says:

    And what do they have now, this once great warrior people who couldn’t be subjugated by Roman legions, Napoleon and Hitler, who conquered the known world and civilized most of it?
    They have rule by that paradox – Gestapo eunuchs, by giggling cliques of pseudo-aristocratic privileged cowards and opportunists, spineless clipbboard carriers who dream of Stasi-like powers and an apathetic populace drugged-out on soap operas and trivia.

  2. Andrei says:

    They left out the bit where Sir Elton John entertained the mourners in the Abbey by belting out one of his songs specially adapted for the occasion – oh wait, I forgot that was back in the days when funerals were about paying your respects for the departed with solemnity and decorum not about entertainment

    • KG says:

      Yes indeed–not a pink teddy-bear or yellow balloon to be seen. No manufactured grief, either.

  3. Contempt says:

    Where is Churchill when we need him?

    O/T The fact that yet another suicide bomber has killed three South Carolina National Guard men in Afganistan has once again caused my endless contempt for the lying pussies without dicks or shame who are leading America to Hell. May the bomber’s one inch dick dissolve in his first virgin.

  4. Katie says:

    A strange sound has been coming out of his grave. A whirling sound. So eerie, so haunting. It is starting to worry the church.

  5. Diamond Mair says:

    Though I’m feeling kinda old these days, I’m young enough that my memories of Sir Winston are those of everybody’s favorite, grumpy, curmudgeonly uncle, rather than the man who saw England through the darkness ……………………………….. we NEED your kind again, Sir Winston!

    Semper Fi’

  6. Flashman says:

    Sir Winston would be unelectable in today’s Kool Britannia.

    • Andrei says:

      Actually England only turned to him when they were in great crisis and as soon as Germany had been defeated voted him out and replaced him with Clement Atlee, which was the beginning of the rot and the end of the British Empire

  7. Heltau says:

    When did our American rot start? I figgure around November 22, 1963 then with the two other key assassinations. then the 68 Oplymics, the 68 tet offenive, along with walter saying the war was lost. Could have been earler, mabe with the loss of the korean war maybe the rot started then. It was then acclerated by Jan 28, 1973, pushed again faster with the election of carter, clition, and o fuck a baa. If this Universe is lucky it will end on Dec 22, 2012. However will see about that problem when it comes. But I do pray for an end to it.