This woman (and the Greens) are killers.

Gillard and the Greens are refusing to return to the ‘Nauru solution’ introduced by John Howard’s government. As a result, hundreds of people trying to illegally enter Australia are dying. If ever there was a demonstration of just how unprincipled these assholes are, this is it. Come the elections, Australians will deliver their verdict on this murderous gang.

A good comment over at Andrew Bolt’s place:

‘Sorry to state the obvious – but most Australians just don’t care.

We are all now well aware this is an entrenched organised racket and these country shopping ‘refugees’ are paying tens of thousands of dollars to join our ‘generous’ lifelong welfare system.

We just don’t need any more 4 corners style programs do we? We all know this is a big fat scam.

Abbott does not need to compromise. The mood of Australians on this issue is overwhelmingly supportive of the former govt’s policy. He needs to stand his ground.

The ‘Malaysian’ deal is an outright farce. If Abbott supports this – he is entirely discredited.

Who will have the guts to rip up the UN treaty and have policy that protects Australia? – NO ONE

Australians are struggling under rising costs of living, more taxes, more red tape, increased and higher fees, registration, legislation etc – Australia needs to cap LEGAL MIGRATION – will Abbott address this – NO

Labor and Liberal two sides of the same coin.
Both unaccountable and not representing the interests of Australians.

whatever (Reply)
Wed 27 Jun 12 (12:42pm)
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8 Responses to This woman (and the Greens) are killers.

  1. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Professor Bunyip . Has a suggestion. Plus an interesting read from a Migrant Hostel Forum about an Irish family coming to Australia in the 60’s.

  2. KG says:

    The brilliant Bunyip strikes again! :mrgreen:
    And that’s a good read, about the 60’s migrants, vonL. What a contrast, eh?

    • Cadwallader says:

      In Northam in the Socialist Republic of Western Australia there is a community display (near the river I recall) of just such a camp. The camp was not pretty nor lavish but it did serve the purpose of acclimatising new entrants to OZ. I doubt that the current arrivees would be content to be there….tough!

  3. Redbaiter says:

    Check out this amazing news-

    Why can’t Key do something like this?

    I’ll tell you- he’s a gutless commie appeaser.

  4. KG says:

    “The Department of Environment and Resource Management has been declared “dead” by Queensland Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney as he urged activists to stop spouting emotional claims about “environmental Armageddon”.
    Spot on, and a step in the right direction. I see in comments the usual brainwashed dolts are screaming blue murder–it’s a sure sign you’re doing something right when the zits for hire are squealing.
    Key? An empty suit, blowing with whatever breeze happens to be loudest at the time. :evil:

    • Cadwallader says:

      For at least a decade the Libertarianz (in NZ) have been declaring their resolve to “drive a stake through the heart of the RMA!” Trouble is they can’t get a mandate to do so.

  5. KG says:

    And those clowns who gave the Greens so much power in Federal politics need a belt around the ear. :gunner

  6. “The mood of Australians on this issue is overwhelmingly supportive of the former govt’s policy. He needs to stand his ground.”

    Exactly, when I heard the other week that some panty-waisted liberals were squirming when the last boat went down that they were just itching to make a deal to fold and whimper I kept saying, just hold the effing line Tony, hold it against all of them and you’ll be rewarded.

    We are sick of it, we know it worked under Howard and we know all this waffling in the media is a crock of shit, go back to Nauru, put the coalition back in charge, get the leftist scum to start screaming and kicking and the boats will stop all by their lonesome.