‘4,000-horsepower Cummins Hedgehog
..the massive 95-liter engine was built to power mining dump trucks, the largest locomotives or generators with enough capacity to power 3,500 average houses.
…Each of the engine’s 16 cylinders displaces over six liters, roughly the size of an average Cummins-powered delivery truck or city bus engine..’
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That’s a baby – in my youth I worked with these, a Doxford J.
And that’s only a four, the baby of the family, built when British Engineering was something to be admired
You might find this interesting Andrei,pictures from the Doxford works of the engines being built.Nice big toys to boys had to play with.
We can see the same scenes today,but all the people are Korean or Chinese.
It is almost unbelievable how the Brits let those skills be lost and that engineering work shift to the far East.
It takes me back.
Yesterday I read a story about a guy who cut his arm with a router at work and needed three stitches – some dickless judge fined the company $42,000 for health and safety reasons.
How the hell can anybody afford to run a heavy engineering shop under those conditions? Big Lathes and big milling machines can hurt you and shit does happen
I know all about it,welding and machining is my stock and trade,it’s more than that really,it’s in my blood.
Take a close look at the pictures in that link,do you see anybody wearing safety glasses?My how times have changed and not for the better.
Tort law here in the States is obscene.One saw mfg was sued for not providing a safety guard over the blade on a table saw.The plaintiff was awarded $150,000 for losing the tip of one finger.The saw in question was over 80 years old and wasn’t required to have a guard when it was manufactured.
Unions and British Leyland saw to the end of British engineering.
Those big shapers take me back…
Technology and the west!
Steam engines invented to pump out the coal mines.Industrial revolution, wealth and progress.
And now the left and greens want to send us back to the dark Ages.
They think herding goats and living on tree bark is romantic kowtow. While they drive cars and live in comfortable homes and own iPods……
Lets not forget the roll of government here-
(well I had a picture of the OSHA cowboy,but it won’t resize to fit here)
And many years ago, I used to think I was Christmas sitting at the helm of my Fiat Allis BD 14B. Six litres, 145 pto HP and all using half the fuel of a similar sized Cat D 7.
You could place a 20c piece on the air intake, open the throttle to 2,000 rpm max and your two bob would not move. One litre per cylinder. The secret to it’s fuel economy, I’m told, was the unusually long stroke.
2,000 rpm max? It must have had a hell of a long stroke, Adolf!
2000 rpm!..Wow you had a racer there Adolf.
Served time on early engines like this, and I remember the Allis Chalmers HD21 dozer. It had a Buda engine of 14 litres. Rated rpm was 1800. Bore/stroke was 5.25×6.5, and we used to call it the “thundering herd” because it used to rev so high! Manifold and exhaust used to glow from red to white at twilight.
It did. I can’t find the specs anywhere but the ability to pull the arse of a black president at low revs was one of Fiat tractors’ major features. (We had a Fiat Agri dealership for a few years.)
An interesting aside. While Fiat Allis dozers cost ten percent less per hundred horsepower, we couldn’t get a look in on Caterpillar because they had a ‘delivered within 24 hours’ guarantee anywhere in Australia for spare parts. Even if they had to be choppered in a thousand miles.
It was brilliant marketing on their part.
Interesting,searching on the net for Lawn mower parts I found this-
My old machine is a Yazoo which used to be based in Jackson,MS but is now in Australia who knew?
A Yazoo? :wtf What marketing genius thought up that name?
Originally it was named after The Yazoo River up in Yazoo County,Ms.
We blame the French for it
Also the home of old time comedian.story teller Jerry Clower-
Imagine the carbon pollution on that, fat-arse juliar would have a conniption. Quick someone call for a new tax.