Boycott! It’s the only weapon we have.

From an email:
‘Have you ever seen this symbol (CIRCLE) on your chocolate or food products packaging ?
The LHS (circle)symbol is that of the – HALAL CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY -AUSTRALIA

This is a Muslim Association that collects money from the Australian Food Industry for this symbol so that Muslims will purchase the product. Yet we are told the Muslim population are only one and a half percent of Australia ‘s total! On a recent radio talk-back show a well known host was alerted to this practice. He hit a stone wall when trying to find out HOW MUCH money was paid to this organization and WHERE the money went.
It was explained that by buying those marked products at least you are supporting a religion that is actively trying to destroy the Australian way of life or at the other extreme the money MAY be supporting terrorism.   Many Australian Companies are paying this money including BEGA, CADBURY and many other well known companies.
Check before you buy. 

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16 Responses to Boycott! It’s the only weapon we have.

  1. Al says:


  2. MikeH. says:

    I’m not sure boycott trumps insanity.

    I really don’t think the old adage “you have to spend money to make money” was intended to include the concepts of funding the causes of ones own enemy.

  3. Seneca III says:


  4. KG says:

    I wish….. :sad:

  5. There is a major conference at the University of Auckland next week.
    Yes, make New Zealand a ‘halal hub.’
    I can assure you some journos are not as enthusiastic as the sheep, halal-certified, of course, whose stories have gone to prit already.

  6. Mistress Mara. says:

    KG, not news to me but a timely reminder thank you. Waiting for the MSM to report this objectively would be like my winning Miss World on bra size alone. Oh wait …

  7. Mistress Mara. says:

    The Gantt guy, you rotten swine. :whoop

  8. Mistress Mara. says:

    The Gantt Guy, I know he loves me but move along. :mrgreen:

  9. KG says:

    :whoop :whoop

  10. Mark says:

    Thanks for that, will now avoid from buying. Faggots.

  11. Oswald Bsatable says:

    Just checked. Not on nz chocolate yet. Did have that fair trade nonsense, though.