Propaganda skool:

The things you see when you don’t have a Norwegian handy…….
‘240 high school students selected from across the country have descended on the capital to take part in the annual New Zealand Model UN.
….Organised by UN Youth New Zealand, the “delegates” spent this morning in “UN training 101” to be able to take part in a full debate and understand the inner workings of the United Nations.
They have been taught how to get their country’s issues heard, how to draft a UN resolution as well as the rules and conventions surrounding political debate.
They also spent their first afternoon carrying out voluntary work in the Wellington region so they could then channel their experiences into four days of debate on global and local issues of inequality.’
One afternoon’s “voluntary work” in Wellington supplies the information necessary for four days of debate on global and local issues of inequality??

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29 Responses to Propaganda skool:

  1. Ronbo says:

    “DOUBLEPLUSGOOD!” says Big Brother

  2. mawm says:

    Meanwhile those who never pay any tax are calling for taxes on others. :rant

    The UN are the enemy.

  3. KG says:

    Get ’em young…….and uninformed.

    • Ronbo says:


      It worked for Hitler.

      My father who was a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne told me that even after Hitler shot himself in his Berlin bunker, the Hitler Youth snipers and machine gunners were firing at them in Bavaria… and they were also firing at German army “traitors” who surrendered to the advancing Yanks.

      This die hard teeny bopper Nazi resistance continued until Germany officially surrendered on May 8, 1945…and even after the surrender, the wise G.I. never went out alone in Bavaria for many months without his trusty M-1 Garand, as the little Hitler darlings became “Werewolves” who murdered many an Allied soldier who let down his guard.

      Dad always said the paratroopers could deal with the mature German soldiers who gave up when the tide went against them, but the Hitler Youth sacred the hell out of them because you never knew if that “sweet innocent kid” on the street was about to shoot you in the back.

      Yep! Get them young and turn them into murdering psychopaths!

      • Flashman says:

        Agreed. My Old Man encountered SS Hitler Youth in Normandy. Hardened little psychopathic killers who routinely murdered wounded and surrendering Allied soldiers – as well as non-SS seeking to surrender.

        Many British and especially Canadian infantry units therefore refused to take them as prisoners and shot them out of hand when they tried their “Kamerad” routine.

  4. Jay says:

    It’s nothing new for NZ. They’ve got to feel important somehow I suppose.

    If you haven’t already, check out this video:

    Another Wellington urban liberal kid whose well and truly indoctrinated.

  5. Darin says:

    “One afternoon’s “voluntary work” in Wellington supplies the information necessary for four days of debate on global and local issues of inequality??”

    Considering the current crop of useless a–holes that inhabit the UN right now it might be an improvement.Looking at all the useless sanctions,mandates and resolutions it’s obvious that the current crop of feces slinging monkeys is from the low tide end of the gene pool.

    Once Iran finishes refining Uranium for “peaceful purposes” and nukes somebody hopefully we can finally defund and wipe out the UN as the abject failure it is,but I’m not holding my breath :rant

  6. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Why is it, that the younger these self-absorbed saviors of the planet get, the less I want to listen to them :gunner
    This is a generation that thinks they can understand world poverty by not eating for 40 hours once a year, and lasting meaningful friendships can be made by clicking a ‘like’ button, so stay away from me please, and most of all, stay out of my pocket :evil:

    • Cadwallader says:

      Yep! Glib bullshit deals to all of the world’s problems in the minds of these pieces of play-dough.

  7. Cadwallader says:

    I recall Lindsay Perigo referring to NZ school teachers as the “child-molesters of the mind!” How true that observation is.

  8. Flashman says:

    It’s just an empty feel-good wank and yet another example of wasting Other People’s Money.

    Reminds me of those silly “junior mayor” awards spammed out by city council bureaucrats with too much unoccupied time on their over-paid shiny arses.

  9. Al says:

    Cheer up.
    Julia has flagged a referendum to write Aboriginal privilege into the Constitution, so an activist High Court can bypass Parliament and give the pollies plausible deniability.
    Nothing imaginable will allow the voting citizens to better vent their spleens…..a perfect choice of subject Statists. Hee, hee.

  10. Al says:

    Errrr….on second thoughts , sorry to have brought it up, Kiwi readers.

    • KG says:

      Sorry? don’t be, Al. Along with a lot of other Aussies, I’m pretty hot under the collar about this subversion of the Constitution.
      In one breath they claim to be removing racial discrimination from the Constitution, and in the next they propose to enshrine racial discrimination in law! :evil: :evil: :gunner

      • Al says:

        KG……that’s ‘sorry’ re bringing up bad memories for Kiwi’s of the battle for equality having been long lost in NZ where a niche ethnic group has a special power over all NZ statute law, national and local govt.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          We have lost battles. We have lost even those small number of politicians who would once advocate for the only real equality that matters – equality of opportunity. We have lost, with one or two very important exceptions, the liberal media.

          We have NOT lost the war. Even if we have to wait until the statists and their racist fellow-travellers destroy the entire economy, even if we must wait until there is blood in the streets, we will prevail. And the reason we will prevail is because our enemy’s ideology has failed everywhere, and every time, it has been tried.

          There’s a campaign about to kick off demanding a colour-blind country. It is being organised by John Ansell (yes, he who is vilified at every turn by the race-baiters in the liberal media) among others. Watch this space:

          • Al says:

            Someone better send Ansell ‘Rules for Radicals’ Alinsky’s manual on conquering the West. Ansell falls into traps because he doesn’t know their basic ops manual backwards , it’s mandatory reading , for your kids also.

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              As well as an understanding of what we fight against, it’s equally important (in fact, more so) to understand what we fight FOR. John Locke, Edmund Burke, Alexis de Tocqueville, even Mark Levin should be on the required reading list for high school students.

          • Ronbo says:


            Totally agree!

            Even if the Global Left wins this battle in the long war against liberty they are the flies who conquer the flypaper.

            I mean to say – like Ayn Rand illustrated so well in Atlas Shrugged – Western Civilization completely breaks down and return to barbarism.

            But guess what? Everywhere in the world are islands of liberty Rand called “Galt’s Gulch” where the producers will regroup, rearm and retake the world after the Leftist parasites have had their last free lunch on planet Earth.

            And then we get to re-write all the constitutions and in put place safeguards to keep the Global Left parasites out of all positions of authority in the various governments.

            Rand suggested adding this amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “Congress shall make no law that deals with the economy.”


  11. oswald bastable says:

    I bet they are the sort of little snots that, in my day, wound up dangling from the coat-hangers at school…

    • KG says:

      We used to hook ’em up to a field telephone, Os. :popcorn

      • Darin says:

        We used to dump Fire ants down their trousers and looking back I deeply regret any possible harm I may have done the trousers.

  12. Mistress Mara. says:

    Now the topic is getting interesting. :popcorn