some people don’t deserve liberty

people like this snotty little girl, who wants mommy to protect her and doesn’t give a stuff how many freedoms are trashed in the process:
‘..When I get back to Australia and I’m not allowed to throw a Frisbee at the beach and I have to get a special council permit just to mind my own business, I’m sure I’ll huff and puff and roll my eyes. But every time I walk down the street without fear of a poorly-constructed building falling on my head, or plug in my hairdryer without fear of giant blue lightning bolts striking the other side of the bathroom, I’ll say a prayer of thanks to Nanny, and enjoy the freedom — that’s right, haters, freedom – of feeling safe and protected.’   source
Get it? slavery is actually freedom, because it’s safe! Jesus wept…..I’ve long said that women’s obsession with “security” is leading us into serfdom and her attitude is by no means rare.

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25 Responses to some people don’t deserve liberty

  1. ZenTiger says:

    Great post title – it resonated for other stories I was reading.

    But over to your story. The writer of this post is confused about what freedom is, thus her “either/or” comparison makes for nice emotive reeading that a left wing authoritarian would just lap up.

    But ironically, she is about to find out what I mean by that statment.

    I have just heard that the government has established a department of fine reading, and one of the first articles to be examined happened to be hers. It seems the article doesn’t come up to standard, and will be banned from next week.

    Isn’t that wonderful – we are protected from this emotive authoritarian left wing drivel, and she is even more free than she was before. The nanny state – I’m loving it. :evil:

  2. KG says:

    Nice one, Zen.
    One day, perhaps this clown and so many others like her will discover that being partially free is a bit like being partially pregnant. And when the gulag gate clangs shut behind them, they’ll wonder what the hell happened.

  3. KG says:

    :roll exactly.

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    From her “blog”:

    “Hello! My name is Tabitha Carvan and I’ve been living in Hanoi since 2009. I blog for Crikey…”

    Lives in Vietnam and writes for Crikey. Say no more.

  5. KG says:

    Some heavy irony there–a lefty, living in a communist state complaining that they have too much freedom… hurt themselves! :roll:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      A lefty, living in a communist state, writing for a leftist rag, complaining that they have too much freedom to hurt themselves.

      Heaven forbid she should be grateful for the freedom to participate in activities which might have some RISK!

      • Darin says:

        I’ve taken to calling people like her Crabs.When we used to go Crabbing we could fill the hampers nearly to the top and not use a lid,the Crabs that tried to escape would be pulled back down by the rest of them in the Hamper.

        To me these folks have the most dangerous mentality.Not only are they happy being captive,they want everyone else to be captive too.

        It’s a shame we can’t dip them in Lemon butter and eat them :popcorn

  6. KG says:

    She’s almost certainly of the generation that believes life ought to be risk-free, pain-free and obligation (ie duty) free.
    They’re deeply afraid of freedom. And the price of it.

  7. kowtow says:

    I’m not sure what to say. She goes to 2 shithole 3rd world commie countries where it’s not nanny in charge but the great socialist helmsman ,who are obviously so shit at basic governing that at street level nothing works and anything drains,sewers,electricity,roads ,basic stuff.These are things we can take for granted and have done since Victorian and Edwardian times,got nothing to do with nanny. Simple common sense and good government and we can thank our forebears for that(not the new massive bureaucracies that local and central govt have become)

    And nanny hasn’t prevented that balloon or parachute trip or bungey jump or jet boat trip from going wrong.

    Caveat emptor.No matter where you are.

  8. KG says:

    I can almost smile when I compare that little clown’s attitude with life out here in Western Queensland.
    This morning I cranked up Emmylou and thrashed the Toyota over a dirt road out to the cattle station, where my mate got me to help build a fire and boil water in an old bathtub so he could scald the pig he was about to kill. All the while his thumb was spouting blood because he’d stuck a knife clean through it while wrestling with a wild pig. “no worries–I’ll just pour some diesel on it”. The five-year old boy belonging to the station manager was helping get wood and get the fire going too.
    Meanwhile his dad was off chasing down and herding up 400 head of cattle which last night’s ‘roo shooters had spooked……
    Life as usual around here. :smile:

    • HarvardPotatoHead says:

      !!!HolyTravonisky!!!Yrs Trly* wonders what on Earth d Bog Administraitor is talking about? Is your vehicle named Emmylou and doth thou drive Emmylou or ride her?!!!OMG!!What type of BBQ sauce dost thou putteth upon the pig 4 flavor or do U simply eatheth it raw? Yrss Trly begs forgiveness 4 these queries howecer BlackBerry is also wondering and since my assignment is to learn voluminous facts re our 56-57th Steaks ahshit forget it Diplomatic Pouch is on her way gotta go fast & furious outta here yo man esp TGG** tata HarvardPotatoHead
      *Yours Translucently
      **The Goofy Gofer !!!OMG!!Yrs Trly is a hoot!!!!!

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Just tell Blackberry the Emmylou is what KG calls his choom.

        And given he’s a good Muslim, it won’t matter to your boy wonder whether it’s raw, BBQed, boiled in aspic or sautéed in butter, because it’s pig. Although I did overhear KG say he’d be happy to donate the eyes, skin and trotters to make Blackberry’s coffin if only he would do the decent thing and get hisself struck by lightning out on the golf course.

  9. Contempt says:

    @HarvardPotHead yr head is up yr a$$

    • WAKE UP says:

      Hey Contempt, you leave Harvard alone, he means well – and that ditzy personality is good cover for what he’s REALLY up to. (Hmmm…which is: What, exactly ?) ;-)

  10. Katie says:

    I don’t know what was worse. Her article or the comments of her viewers.

    The more the government does for us, the less liberty we have.

    • I dunno says:

      I thought that too!!

      The comments were as bad as the original drivel…

      • KG says:

        They sure were! :evil: Just goes to show the level of intellect operating in lefty blogs….

  11. MikeH. says:

    If only ALL leftist loonies would pack up and move to Hanoi, or some other “Socialist Eden.” Problem is; I fear the majority would quickly see the error of their thinking and come running back to sponge off us lovers of liberty.

    On a comforting note, I suppose we could find 308 was to make their leaving a one way trip. :cheers

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      There’s actually precedent, of a kind, for that Mike. Consider all the POMs and Scots who fled Mother because it turned into a multi-culti, broke, socialist shite-hole … only to join the unions and immediately start whingeing about their “entitlements”. Useless cocks couldn’t even imagine the causative relationship.

  12. not ALL WOMEN!!
    I thought this was a SARC til I went to and read her site post-
