come November, it’ll turn even uglier. Bet on it.

Flash mob of 300 invades a Wal Mart. Let’s play “find the white faces”…….

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12 Responses to come November, it’ll turn even uglier. Bet on it.

  1. Darin says:

    Time to TCB -Teargas Cuff and Beat :twisted:

  2. Ronbo says:

    Black racism on very public display and very few have the guts to call it what it is…

    I remember in 1974, the U.S. Army in which I served at the time had a three day “Stand Down” conducted by our “unit race relations NCOs” to discuss “institutional racism” in the Military Intelligence.

    This was the first time I heard that blacks could not be racists and me, being me, got into a very loud discussion with the black sergeant who attempted to prove this absurd theory, and naturally I wiped the floor with his illogical arguments, much to the pleasure of the troops who hated this arrogant asshole pen pusher.

    This was on Day One…My C.O. ordered me not to attend Day Two and Three, because I made the black NCO look like the racist ass hat he was. :mrgreen:

  3. KG says:

    :whoop Nice one, Ronbo. We urgently need more people with the cojones to do that kind of thing.

  4. Jay says:

    Video has been removed by the user :sad:

    • KG says:

      Well, what a surprise, eh?
      Those who didn’t see the video clip will guess the perps were of a particular hue, I’m sure.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    There was a smaller (30 thieves) in a similar incident in Oregon on the same day (I think). Hard to find a white face there too.

  6. KG says:

    I don’t blame the cops, Michael–flash mobs are all but impossible to prevent. But I do blame the media for not pointing out that the perps are almost invariably black, and the courts for being soft on those caught.

    • Ronbo says:

      Can you believe we had a race riot after King was assassinated in April, 1968 at Clark AFB in the Philippines?

      Since we were the only unit other than the Air Force Security Police on this huge base of over 50,000 personnel with ground combat weapons, we were quickly ordered into action by the Air Force general in charge of the base.

      Of course, the general was worried mostly about the flight line and the nuke storage areas, so he sent his SPs into those sections of the base, while the most of the rest of base was patrolled by all of 200 soldiers. As can be imagined things got quickly out of hand, especially at the BX, which was being looted, so our C.O. ordered in the there with loaded rifles and fixed bayonets.

      In no time at all we had surrounded the BX and scores of looters – nearly 100% black USAF types – and we ordered them to immediately set down on the ground with their hands behind their backs on pain of being shot with our 7.62 mm M-14s. When that was done, the USAF provided trucks to take the prisoners to the Clark football field. I forget the exact of POWs, but there were at least several hundred.

      This was only fraction of the over one thousand black USAF types who ran amok that night, but the Base Commander was wise enough to throw the book of the ones arrested and all were given Special Courts Martial that mandated Bad Conduct Discharges and six months at hard labor.

      The moral to this story is that in a riot situation you can’t arrest them all, but you make an example of the ones you do arrest.

      This was the first and last time Clark AFB had a “flash mob.”