Bawaaahahaha! Maori look more ridiculous by the day!

‘The Maori Council has asked the Waitangi Tribunal for a ruling that the relationship of Maori to the water was one of full-blown ownership, saying although Pakeha did not understand the concept of taniwha as guardian spirits of waterways, there was strong evidence of Maori belief that they ‘owned’ the water….’
Fine. There’s strong evidence of whitey belief that they “own” electricity and motor transport and the economic system that produces the money for the welfare these brown primitive bludgers consume so much of. Not to mention medical care and housing….so how about we make a claim and start charging effing savages for the use of those things?

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31 Responses to Bawaaahahaha! Maori look more ridiculous by the day!

  1. pmofnz says:

    “so how about we make a claim and start charging effing savages for the use of those things?”

    There’s just one slight problem there KG.

    I unfortunately took a squiz the other day at the legislation that enables the farce that is the Waitangi Tribunal. I think you’ll find we’re persona non grata. Only those with the right genes may present to the tribunal. Those of the colonising hordes have no rights under that insidious piece of leglislation.

    • KG says:

      Set up a white tribunal. Call it..oh, I about the “post-colonial reconciliation panel” or somesuch? Anything will do, just so long as it gives white Kiwis a single platform to force maori to justify their insane grasping theft.

    • Katie says:

      OK then turn off the electricity, and money. Tell them they belong to the White People and the White People will not share. And if they (the Maori) try to take them by force, you will don the war paint and wipe them off the face of the Earth.

  2. Jay says:

    What’s sad about this stupid shit, is that it’s actually taken seriously. There needs to be a law that stops the use of any stone age culture as an argument for anything. End the gravy train and laugh the morons out of court.

    Funny how they claim to have “full-blown ownership” over water that happens to fall on these islands, but they’ve only brought up the issue recently…

  3. KG says:

    There are times when I think fondly of NZ’s magnificent coastline and the great gamefishing we enjoyed there – and that perhaps it’d be a fine way to end my days. Then I remember the behaviour of maori and the way so many Kiwis defer to these primitive assholes…….
    No way. I’ll stay in Australia.

    • Jay says:

      The savages combined with the fucked mental state of the Greenies and other apologists make NZ’s future look grim. Welfare is prosperity in their minds.

  4. KG says:

    “…although Pakeha did not understand the concept of taniwha as guardian spirits of waterways..”
    Patronizing prick. We understand the concept all right, just as we understand Aztecs making human sacrifices and new Guinea natives eating people because they’re witches.
    What we don’t understand is a government taking seriously brownies who pretend to believe this shit in order to rip off the Kiwi taxpayer.

  5. WAKE UP says:

    Anyone using modern methods to assert ancient “rights” * (or should that be “rites”? :razz: ) should be forced to live for a while as they did when such ancient rights ruled the roost. Maybe then they’d wake up to the modern world.
    (*Muslims with mobiles, for example)

  6. Rich Prick says:

    Jesus wept! Not only must this shit be taken seriously, it’s being argued on fucking legal aid.

  7. erikter says:

    They are savages, just savages.

  8. Benares says:

    But the fact is John Key (& National) have already completed caved in last night! – I thought they might at least go a few days or even a week before buckling. It’s inevitable now that the Maori will receive free shares in the partial floats of the power generators and a few years down the track full veto power over water rights via the RMA for hydropower, irrigators, farms, etc (though they will reluctantly give up their deeply cherished core spiritual beliefs in the “mauri (life force)” of water and the Taniwha’s will disappear for the right of amount of koha – we call this legalized extortion koharuption in NZ).

    And when I say Maori will receive the shares – of course they won’t, the fairest method would be to distribute equal share parcels to every maori to do what they want. But that won’t happen, instead there will be a huge bitch fight among Iwi (using the evil Paheka legal system which apparently doesn’t understand Maori except when it suits them) to grab the most shares. And those shares will ALL be vested in an Iwi Trust run by the elite brocracy, nice big trustee/director fee’s for them for what is only a couple of days work per year – it’s basically a passive investment. Plus they can bignote it when it comes to distributing to the few favoured beneficiaries and most ordinary maori won’t see a fucking cent. And it’s inevitable that some greedy and stupid trusts will piss away their shares by investing in some cockeyed scheme run by the wideboys and operators (eh bro, you’re only getting 7%p.a. with these blue chips shares but if you invest in this V8 race franchise you’ll get 8.5%! plus you get premier passes! it’s nearly foolproof!), and inevitably they will be back again for more from the Waitangi Tribunal.

    It will never end unless someone says no. In 2008 I had hoped Key might but then he got into bed with the Maori Party when he didn’t need to (well he did I suppose so he didn’t have to rely on those evil nasty extremist right wingers ACT forcing him to implement National policy and principles). In that first term he had an absolute majority without the Maori Party to actually implement National Party policy and abolish the racist Maori seats, he had another opportunity with the Electoral Review & MMP referendum – he did nothing, he had another opportunity with the Constitution Review Commission – he stacked it with Maori grievers. And now he’s fucked, the current coalition agreement with the Maori Party is totally oneway – they get all the baubles and all their pet projects, no responsibility and shit on the Government at will, no policy/law voting support at all and ABSTAIN (not support) only on confidence and supply motions. And yet if Key tells them to piss off he can’t now abolish the Maori seats – he only has a one seat majority and it’s Dunne/UF policy not to abolish the seats.

    The fact is despite what some National party cheerleaders said – the racist Maori Party is not a National Party ally, they will collect their baubles for as long as possible and engineer a crisis 6 months out from the election in 2014 and leave coalition – then go all out against National and negotiate a secret deal with Labour & Greens. Unfortunately the National Party is thick, they only learn by painful example, e.g. that Winston/NZF is poison and no coalition for short-term power is worthwhile, they will learn the same regarding the MP. As Granddad said, if you get into bed with the devil don’t be surprised when you wake up with a bloody sore arse.

  9. john says:

    The agreement last night means that marri will be given co-governance of all major water ways and bodies in NZ.
    This is going to give rise to a multitude of problems and Key and co don’t give a continental or don’t have the capacity to comprehend what they are creating.
    Special treatment and privilege .
    Sucks big time.

  10. Flashman says:

    It’s hard to believe that an ostensibly 1st World country in the 21st Century pays attention to this primitivist sectional elite.

    As I’ve said before, if there was money on cowshit and used condoms the bro-elite would be there with its bottomless bludging hand out and a claim that these were sacred treasures.

  11. WAKE UP says:

    Who owns drought ?

    • KG says:

      Whitey, of course.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Wakey, you racist fool. Drought occurs when whitey angers the taniwha by stealing the Mouldy’s water without a suitably liberal application of kohajizya. Pay up, you fool, and there will be no more drought. The existence of drought is evidence you’re not paying enough.

      See how it works?

      • I thought that was global warming? :smile:

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Yes, but what *causes* the global warming? A taniwha named Gaia gets upset when you colonialists don’t pay up the kohajizya, so the taniwha stops the rain. Supply is withdrawn until payment is made.

          Don’t you get it? And you thought the far left / radical apartheid marriage was a conspiracy theory. Pfft.

  12. KG says:

    Brilliant! :whoop

  13. We are facing a global banking liquidity crisis, global sovereign debt crisis, global personal debt crisis and a global monetary crisis.

    Any of them can send us into a depression that will make the 30s look like a trip to Club Med. It won’t take much to go wrong economically for this type of nonsense to be consigned to the history books. Imagine if they were running this victimhood nonsense with 30% unemployment and GDP p.a. drops of 10%, it might actually be enough to make people say “enough!”

  14. WAKE UP says:

    A friend of mine asks:
    I thought rain (by extension, water) formed in the clouds. Are we going to see a claim for ownership of the clouds?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      That’s right, wakey. Give them ideas.

      Of course they own the clouds. The clouds are the spirits of their ancestors, watching over them and menacing the colonialists to pay up the kohajizya. Why do you think the damned place is called the Democratic (Brown) People’s Socialist Republic of the Long White CLOUD? :roll:

  15. KG says:

    Clouds? Why not? A spook which already owns part of the radio spectrum must surely own clouds as well.