Giving away the farm….

Muriel Newman: ‘ARE WE ONE OR TWO?
‘…And let’s not forget what could be regarded as one of the tribal elite’s greatest victories – the Maori Party’s success in persuading John Key’s government that secretly signing New Zealand up to the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to potentially give self-defined “indigenous” groups special governance powers and rights above those of every other citizen, was in the best interest of New Zealand.’   (emphasis mine.  kg)

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13 Responses to Giving away the farm….

  1. mawm says:

    It is a good letter from Muriel…..yet again. New Zealand is soooo far down the Apartheid road it is unbelievable. It is rapidly mirroring Apartheid in South Africa from forcing a language of one group on others to giving a minority group, based solely on race, priviledge, services and possession not available to others. But that is OK because the recipients of all this largesse are darker than those in South Africa were.

    What’s next? Racial classification………..ooops we already have that in just about every ‘official’ form we have to complete. How about the prevention of miscegination…….Hone has already declared where he stands on this. Reservation of beaches for one race only…………ask the folks up north about trying to run a yacht club on a beach where Maaarie thugs are continually preventing their access. Separate health, separate schooling….already done.

    All that is left is housing the different races in different areas and separate amenities – buses, toilets, etc – and we have the Verwoerdian dream of Grand Apartheid.

  2. mawm says:

    :censor this makes me angry. It is getting very close to the time to leave.

    • octagongrappler says:


      Spoonley advocates a tribal society of self governance for the different ethnic groups.. :rant

  3. KG says:

    ” It is getting very close to the time to leave.”
    Yes indeed, Mawm–and thousands of Kiwis are voting with their feet already. The exodus is not merely driven by economics. I’ve spoken to too many disgruntled Kiwis here in Australia to believe that.
    The replacement of Kiwis with third-world immigrants suits Key’s U.N. mindset very well and he has no interest in stopping the exodus.

  4. mawm says:

    Watching the Greens Kill Australia
    By Alan Caruba
    “There is no doubt that we are ruled by evil men and evil women who are fully aware of the damage they are doing to our economy, and to the warp and weft of our society, and who seem to be in a manic rush to do as much damage as possible in the time left to them,” – David Archibold, a climate scientists and energy analyst based in Perth

    • rivoniaboy says:

      Mawm – on a lighter note you would have to have loved the Cricket! The Poms really didn’t know what hit them.