‘US President Barack Obama vowed to “leave no stone unturned” in seeking to curb violence in American cities, including reasonable restrictions on gun ownership – a sharp break from the position set out earlier in the day by his Republican opponent Mitt Romney.
…Acknowledging sensitivity of the issue, he said Wednesday he believes that even gun owners would agree “that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of children.”
Emotive horseshit–how many “children” in the U.S. own an AK47? Stuff-all, if any. And like the Brady gun-grabbers, this mendacious asshole describes the teenage gang thugs (almost all black) who are shooting one another as “children”.
…”For every Columbine or Virginia Tech, there are dozens gunned down on the streets of Chicago and Atlanta, and here in New Orleans. For every Tucson or Aurora there is daily heartbreak over young Americans shot in Milwaukee or Cleveland,” he said.
Funny, that…Chicago has insanely restrictive gun laws (in violation of the Second Amendment) but blacks are somehow killing each other (and others) in record numbers. This is an argument for more gun controls?
“never let a crisis go to waste” source
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Let’s not forget what is reasonable to him and his ilk is not reasonable to a person of sound morality.
Looks like Sherrif Joe has some interesting news about Zero’s Daddy…
Good stuff–but the media will bury it, Gantt.
Crusader Rabbit is THE NEW MEDIA! :gunner
…with a world wide readership and highly interactive.
I think your reference was to the “old Communist media” like NEWSWEEK magazine that was sold for one worthless Yankee dollar and does not come out anymore in printed form.
So goes NEWSWEEK, so will go the New York Times…Speaking of which, at many a U.S. college campus is given away FREE in print and finds no takers.
This anti-gun propaganda infuriates me. There’s a graphic on that linked page which says that somewhere around 8,000 are killed every year due to guns(?) yet it fails to mention the FBI’s own figures which prove that over a million serious crimes are prevented every year by lawful gun owners. :rant :rant
The article isn’t news–it’s blatant propaganda.
Sure, but everyone knows the antique media are statist utopian green party supporters. What’s REALLY frustrating is how many otherwise intelligent and mature adult people agree with them on this point. I’ve had so many discussions over the past week or so with people who are saying they are in favour of strict gun control because, you know, it’s just so sad when people get hurt and shot and killed and stuff. When I point out that mass shootings tend to happen in places where only the bad guy has a gun, THEY STILL TRY AND ARGUE WITH ME!!!!
I point out:
* Columbine High. Schools are normally gun-free, so those 2 cowards knew they’d have a pretty straight run. If one teacher had been carrying, he (or she) could have saved a LOT of lives.
* Port Arthur, Tasmania – Australians don’t carry weapons. Again, the killer knew he’d have a straight run and multiple victims.
* Norway – like Australia, Norwegians (at least the domesticated varieties) have largely been disarmed.
* Aurora, Colorado – the movie theatre was a gun-free zone. If some of the patrons had been carrying a weapon (one of the guys who died shielding his girlfriend was Navy), they could maybe have at least given the killer pause for thought.
And the real home run:
* Fort Hood, Texas (to which my opponent says something like “see, your theory falls down there – that happened on a military base so there must have been hundreds of weapons). Of course,
Islamic Terrorist andall-round coward Nadal Hassan chose the mess hall, which he knew was weapons-free, to perpetrate histerror attackworkplace violence.These discussions tend to disintegrate when I make some sarcastic comment like “yeah, gun control really works. Because bad guys always comply with the law, don’t they?” My opponent tends to run off crying about needing to find “solutions” to this “problem”. When of course the solution is not for nobody to have guns, but for EVERYBODY to have at least one. I mean, when was the last time anyone heard about a mass shooting in Switzerland?
Do you still argue with brain dead Leftists?
The last time I got into an argument with a Left Turd was in Bozeman, Montana in the “High Noon” at the cowboy bar a couple of years ago over the great global warning hoax.
After blowing apart his stupid arguments for the better part of hour, much to the approval of the noon time oil industry workers and other independent cowboy types, I challenged him to a duel on Main Street just outside, after first calling a coward, weakling, degenerate and Algore lover!
It is wonderful the courage you get on a half a dozen Bozeman Beers in a cowboy bar!
So, me and my new buddies (who were nearly all armed and gave us a pick of their loaned weapons for the duel) stepped out on the busy main street, as did the cowardly Left Turd tourist from San Francisco, who very likely set the world’s record for the 200 meter dash to the Bozeman cop shop.
Nah, I try to not argue with leftards – it’s a waste of energy. These folks are friends. And other than this, are mature and intelligent grown-ups. Which is why it’s so frustrating and surprising they’re such children on the firearms issue!
Massive Left Turd (MLT) propaganda does have its effect on the people who don’t pay much attention to the news, but I think it is safe to say that world wide the people who REALLY count in this world never read MLT crap unless by way of the filter of the New Media.
In short, we have created on a global basis and operating at the speed of light, well known the “committees of correspondence” that existed before the American Revolution.
I should note in closing that the creators of the anonymous cell structure of revolution were the original tea party types in 1760s/70s.
The first stage of revolution is the linking of minds with a common agenda. This has already happened on countless websites like Crusader Rabbit.
The second stage are making specific plans and conducting active operations to overthrow the regime. These agendas can take many forms, for instance, someone may have a job at the Pentagon with knowledge of government operations (DHS) against the resistance. This individual would spread the news via a score of websites and emails under an Internet Handle. The patriot underground member could remain totally in the shadows while being a very effective “U-Boat” that sinks federal operation after federal operation.
The third stage is the actual revolt itself that can take different forms – an elective coup and a rewrite of the constitution that makes impossible a Leftist renewal – or a traditional military putsch like Chile to empower a civilian reformation of a particular country.
In America, the patriots are moving closer and closer to Stage Three… :gunner
I agree with everything you’ve written, with the exception of your penultimate paragraph. With respect, your Constitution does not need rewriting. Re-affirming, perhaps, and the repeal of the 16th & 17th Amendments. But the document, in the hands of moral and upright men, remains as it was 200 years ago. The problem isn’t the Constitution. The problem is what a venal and corrupt people have done to it.
Its all going to plan for the left.
Dumb the people down by destroying the education system.
Take their guns.
Mission accomplished.
I disagree, my patriot friend, although it seems to those of us living daily in the belly of the Communist beast that THE MONSTER is in control.
Like the late great Ayn Rand said, “I am. I think. I will.”
…and if I WILL to revolution, the rebellion has arrived on a personal basis, and I HAVE BECOME DEATH!
My fertile mind can put to service countless ways to destroy any socialist regime. In fact, I have become a dangerous weapon system – an anonymous “U-Boat” that runs silent and runs deep until the big undefended merchant ship sail into range of my weapons. :gunner
Babba Oreilly,the Fox news school teacher made an ass of himself the other night on this issue by clearly pulling stuff out of his butt.
“Large bore weapons”?Come on Bill it was a f—king .223 and NO you cannot buy a machinegun here with out a cavity search by the FBI :rant And Bazooka’s Bill?I wish!
Gawd,another reason why
conservativecloset liberalcommentatorsidiot school teacher nancy boys shouldn’t talk about things they obviously know nothing about.“Babba Oreilly”–
-so true -don’t even listen to him any more-
and your comments below are also RIGHT ON!!!!
conservativecloset liberalcommentatorsidiot school teacher nancy boys ”We have a lot of those here, too…..
A .223 poodle-shooter is a “large bore” weapon?????? The boy needs to get out more.
I’m sending that link along with an e-mail to the NRA stating that they desperately need to lean on Fox to allow air time for a hour long “FACTS about guns and gun laws” show.
They need to do what no other network has ever done which is get people educated about the 2nd amendment and guns in general.Blow the smoke out of the room so people can see for themselves.
People don’t want the truth about it, Darin. They want to cling to the illusion that simply banning guns will fix the problem. Anything else requires
1) thinking
2) personal responsibility.
Two commodities in desperately short supply.
Oh,and according to witnesses the shooter started with the 12ga shotgun,then went to the .40 and finally the .223.I would be willing to bet money that the people killed died in the first few minutes with the shotgun and the .40
A civilian .223/5.56 is mostly good for Varmits and paper punching.
I’d only use it to open a beer. :cheers
Hell, I thought me going down to a 30-30 was bad enough…..
Hell I got one on order right now,they are fun to shoot,easy to get ammo for and can be converted to other calibers like 7.62×39.
What O’reilly and the rest of the unwashed don’t realise is that most murders committed in this country are done with small caliber handguns.I would be willing to bet that of them the .22 and .38 caliber handguns are responsible for the majority.
That 8,000 deaths number they keep throwing out is less than half the number of DUI fatalities every year and there is no call to ban Alcohol……oh,wait,we did that and it didn’t work
Then there is this-
Read that,they are going to-we will fundamentally change the culture of the NOPD once and for all,” said Landrieu, who estimated the cost at roughly $11 million a year over the next four to five years
Oh,really cupcake?No mention of the fact that every single “troubled” inner city such as NOLA and Chicago has had an endless stream of liberal demorat mayors and policies going back to the 1950’s and earlier.I guess these “reforms” will be to finally go over the edge and make murder a $50 fine :rant
:wtf I only got part way through it.
Yet another reason to carry a gun-
Sorry OT but this article just sent my blood pressure through the roof. Africa at its finest and just another day in St Mandela’s Rainbowtopia.
Perhaps Saint Mandela would care to comment?

Send the three of them through the Woodchipper,feet first of course
I wish I had not read that.
No penalty could be severe enough for those who would do that to a child…
Here’s another panty-wetting Australian lefty, spreading hysteria about US gun culture.
Neatly skewered by the good Professor though.
Ain’t Bunyip devastating?
I’m a long-time fan of his blog.
I guess it should be a rule from now on that when reading lefty articles one should tuck their jeans into their boots and bring along a shovel cause it’s gonna get deep quick
‘Why I own an assault rifle’
Just try to ignore the idiot caption under the pic..
From the article..
“There’s no law on the planet that will change how a man values the life of another.”
Now ain’t that the truth.
Isn’t it interesting that in O’s speech the other day, the weapon he mentioned was the AK47, the weapon of choice of America’s enemies. O’s wet dream. :gunner
Yes indeed.