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If there are any Seals reading this,can we please get a twofer?
LOVE IT!!!!!
Love OPSEC as well—GO OUR BEST !!!
Think you had this video on your site CR- am I right!
I think we did, Carol. It was fun watching it again on yours, though.
The making of “Act of Valor”-Real Bullets-
This is a trailer I had not seen- thought I had seen and posted them all
thanks Darin–in brought a LOL!!
Did you see the movie- it was awesome!!!
Yes,excellent movie,watched it twice.
A bit off topic (removing that threat would mean the Republicans would have control) but I thought this worthy of highlighting
That would be a game changer for world economics!
I don’t know enough to comment on it Michael, but it’s an interesting article.
I don’t know that they can do that, Michael. A return to the gold standard would mean they couldn’t inflate their way out of debt. The Americans are the brokest nation in history. If they can’t inflate it away, how else do they get rid of it?
TGG – If they can’t inflate it away, how else do they get rid of it? If it was me, I’d convert it to any mint grade of Confederate money.
When you get from the bank a new $10 bill and give it to almost any cashier they hold it up to the light to see if it is real. Anybody is qualified to spot counterfeit these days. The best counterfeit is the real thing. A damn insult.
Did someone say “counterfeit?” Down here in BlackBerry’s Chigger Compound rumor has it that Diplomatic Pouch wants the Ovular Office [where Bill did the dirty] moved to the Lower Gallery with a view featuring the Marijuana Garden where chances of a press conference are non-existent. yrs v. trly with his exquisite elite Harvard Law degree and PhD* in Ebonics become less convinced that yvt has ever seen BB@Harvard Also Diplomatic Pouch saw a tv show on neutrinos** and has elected after evolving contemplation to ban sunlight in hopes of enhancing paler skin but she don’t know neutrinos have nothing 2do with that so maybe she will try some skin lightener. Basically inmates in they underground compound have they asses in a sling. ACTUNG!!!BlackBerry ordeered the money printing presses to run furiously faster & assed yrs v trly to ah hell let’s all pop a top again think I’ll have another round of BlackBerry’s home brew. ps: rumor is that Chicago is going the way of Detroit hell if U ass me that is old news. Contempt assed yrs V. TrLy via mental telepathic communication to shut up more frequently and ass that Darium dude to check for Soviet carriers on D mISSISSIPPI he thinkx the Chinese/russian fleets will dock on east and west coasts after the election goddam he B crazy worried about this shit!!!OOMMGG!!tata BlackBerry is getting off the elevator got to go Yours Verily Trurily HarvardPotatoHead
*PhD – post hole digger
**neutrinos – tiny little things that go poof in the night BlackBerry says.
Yes but even then, wouldn’t you be looking at US$10 for every $1 Confederate? Inflate it all away in one fell swoop, then tie the Confederate Dollar to the gold standard? You’d also have to pass a Constitutional amendment for the tie to the standard, or some future Prez would do what Nixon did and break the bond?
Mr. TGG, Contempt has assed me to answer your magnificent questions. Thank you so much for the excellent topic. Your queries are much too complicated to answer other than to say that the ghost of Dick Nixon still inhabits the White House. It is pretty freaking scary.
While YvT has you on the line – the octomom has been ensconced in BlackBerry’s Chigger Compound! Yv.T has been invited to tonight’s Presidential Date Night in D’Breath O’Death Special Screening Studio. The movie is produced by the New Black Panters and titled “LaSheque’s Boutique.” & like stars ZhaBazazz Zakarr’a, Up’Yourz on All’Fourzz, and LaKukaRaza appear in it like whatever. BlackBerry & Diplomatic Pouch will attend he wearing a Tux T-Shirt and OWS baSKETBALL shorts & baseball cap sayin “Ax me my grades Honky” and get this – strange fabric shoes with compartments 4 each toe NOW thatz GAY like man. Diplomatic Pouch will be attired in a simple A-line dress that cost us $369,000, no bra, N elegant spiked heels that only cost $69,000 size 13US. Busy afternoon in D Kompound tata HarvaardPotatoHead
Warm thanks for the update, Mr PotatoHead! I bring greetings and salutations from the 57th Steak.
O/T (well, not really). The movie “2016 Obama’s America” opened at #1 on the domestic US Box Office yesterday, despite playing in only 1/3 the number of major release pics!
I read on Fox the other day that polls are indicating the Presidential election race is getting closer (it’s now 45-44).
The amazing thing to me about the article, though, was not the 45 or the 44. It was that Slick Willie Clinton is at 65, and his Machiavellian wife at 64! One a rapist who was impeached for lying under oath to Congress, the other stood by an applauded while the rapist seduced interns in the OVAL OFFICE, using a cigar as a sex-toy! WTF is it with the Clintons? How have they conned the American people so completely?