‘Mountain Pride’ versus the Welfare State

‘The federal government is choking our economy while it degrades the character of a proud people.  The food stamp program is purposefully undermining “mountain pride” in Appalachian communities in order to create more wards of the welfare state…’   source
Can’t have groups of self-sufficient white people with a strong sense of identity in the Brave New World, can we?

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2 Responses to ‘Mountain Pride’ versus the Welfare State

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    And we can’t have the freest country in the world able to defend itself….


  2. Yokel says:

    It is absolutely essential (for the Leftie’s script to come true) for everyone (except the ruling elites) to be utterly dependent on the State for everything. Thus the British Welfare State model, including high taxation and deliberate destruction of private pension provision.

    It is now too late for me to break out, but let it be a warning to others.