Mums told formula kills babies ‘like AIDS’
NEW mums paid $85 to attend an Australian Breastfeeding Association class. In it they were told a baby died “every 30 seconds” from bottle feeding and “formula is a little bit like AIDS”.
“if you can’t feed your child you shouldn’t breed”
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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:censor breast Nazi’s. :censor :censor :censor :rant If you give useless, stupid, ill-informed, ideology-driven women power, they will abuse their priviledge. :rant
Just another way the UN (WHO) is interfering in your lives with the permission of your ‘elected’ representatives. :rant
“If you give useless, stupid, ill-informed, ideology-driven women power, they will abuse their priviledge. ”
There’s a lot of it about….
Funny how most of my generation were bottle fed, wore cloth diapers, rode bikes without a helmet, climb trees, didn’t wear a seatbelt or ride in a car seat.
We survived very well. Heck we are thriving.
It’s odd, Katie. Inexplicable, even….
If we didn’t know better we could say it was the Hand of G-d!
Yep,played with toys painted with lead paint,even rode our bikes behind the mosquito truck every summer,now kids burst into flames from drinking formula,must be global warming :roll
Would the boob nazis be so aggressive in confronting the numerous failing of the native population in their parenting?
Thought not…
My three children would have died without formula as my wife is unable to breastfeed. All three are very healthy in spite of the evil formula.
There are many people who shouldn’t be allowed to breed, but a married loving couple who pay their taxes, have no criminal records and no dependence on state welfare wouldn’t be at the top of my list.
But then I guess we shouldn’t have been allowed to breed.