If it was, then the number of deaths back in the 60’s and 70’s would dwarf today’s figures.
‘QUEENSLAND’S police union argues there’ll be more deaths if the state government cuts red tape around gun ownership.
The Newman government has set up a pro-gun advisory panel that will advise on how to cut the “red tape, delays and bureaucracy” gun owners face when applying for a licence or a new weapon…’
The fact is, the process for obtaining a firearms licence is now verging on the ridiculous. When a cattle station manager has to wait months for a licence he needs simply to do his job, when his son has been waiting TEN MONTHS for his licence, it’s difficult to escape the conclusion that the police are deliberately dragging their feet. Good on Campbell Newman for tackling the problem.
Update: Of course, the police can be trusted with firearms.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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There is this thing called the Internet,works good for all sorts of stuff including background checks.
Last complete gun I purchased was a Remington 700 bolt rifle in .30-06.I have a valid driver’s license in my state,my license is also my ID.I answered a few simple questions,nothing overly invasive and nothing I am afraid to answer honestly,typed in my information on the computer at the gun shop and five minutes later walked out with my new to me Remmy 700.
Since then I have applied for and got my Concealed Carry permit which includes a five year background check and costs $132 and is good for five years.That whole process only takes two weeks on average.With it I no longer have to fill out any forms to buy a gun only sign the sales receipt.
Bottom line it is very easy to setup a safe,efficient means of licensing legal gun owners and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.Notice I said legal gun owners,license them and not the weapon(s).
“I have a valid driver’s license in my state,my license is also my ID”
So, you’re good to go for November 6 then?
“Last complete gun I purchased was a Remington 700 bolt rifle in .30-06.” … “Since then I have applied for and got my Concealed Carry permit”
Where the bloody hell do you conceal the Remington? Or are you just happy to see me? :whoop
“So, you’re good to go for November 6 then?”
Yup,got my voter ID card too and a legit copy of my birth certificate which means I have something Obama ain’t got :popcorn
“Where the bloody hell do you conceal the Remington?”
Behind the seat in my truck-DUH
It’s there incase the 3″ .38 in my front pocket can’t handle the range 
The Second Amendment:
A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
Fuck the police union Leftards!
Australia needs a “Bill of Rights”
Even the Obama Regime knows the only way they get our guns is to pry them out of our dead cold hands.
Those cops in new york that shot the guy that went postal a week or so back. I read that they fired something like 18 rounds, of which 2 or 3 hit the purp ( who incidentally was not presenting his weapon directly at them ) and the remainder went into the ‘ether’ hitting a few civvies.
Protect and serve. Heh
Remember those nz police aos guys caught on film trying to shoot a rottweiler that escaped a premises they were trying to raid – same deal – 17 or so shots. The dog was not hit. Where did the bullets go – no accountability. This is our ‘elite’ armed police. eek! I’m all for arming the police, they have a shit job, but they are just as prone to ‘the fever’ as any civvie when it comes down to the wire. :gunner
“..but they are just as prone to ‘the fever’ as any civvie when it comes down to the wire.”
Of course they are, Pete. That fever has to be trained out of them and it takes a lot of time and money to do it. I suspect there’s not enough of either available.