Obama remembers Neil Armstrong by gazing
at the moon and releasing this picture.’
(From Lucianne.com)
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Is there nothing that prick does but he has to make it all about Him?
It was a nice gesture for him to take time out from the front 9 to commemorate Armstrong’s passing, by posting a photo of himself looking at what looks like a golf ball waaay up high in the sky.
Thank you, President Narcissus!
The crescent that reminds him of his Muslim abominable faith!
YES YES YES & this image captures him perfectly. When BlackBerry walks down the halls of his Chigger Kompound He looks exactly as he does here- yrs V. trlY is unable to tell if BlackBerry is coming or going Yrs.v.TrlY does not shit U. Get me out of this joint now!!!OMG!!!this 2 shall pass* and do not attempt to piss on his dead ass or suffer the consequences hooah. The movie screening today was “Inglourious Basterds” about WWII ‘merican Jews killin nazzeez behind the lines. Yrs. V. truly was enjoyin it but BlackBerry stopped it since it was about Jews killing Nazis instead of the udder way around majic dick on his lickin stick saw him many moons ago wish yrs v trLy was still back there wakin up in dreamland in lieu of being pissed on from the observation deck from drinkin 2 much White House beer by BBotus/DPotus/bigSis/David SexLrod/et alia OW!!Contempt hath sent a mental burst said “Semper Fi” & said “hi” to the gravy groover that GAY!!tataslow day in D Kompound Yours Verily Trooffully HarvardPotatoHead aka Stud.**
*or this 2 shall LAST.
**Stud – not 2B confused with Spud por favor et Romeo et Juliet como esta ustead mf’er cigarillo sucker
other comments on this photo http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/023145.html#diversity
Damn good comments thread in that link, Contempt. Thanks.
perhaps he is a luna-tic……..?
One would hope that rotor blade continues its arc