Headline in Aussie paper:
‘NZ’s Key excited about gay marriage vote’
Obviously, homosexuality excites him far more than democracy, since he saw fit to ignore overwhelming opposition to the anti-smacking legislation…
UPDATE: What an amazing coincidence: ‘Same sex adoption bill drawn from ballot’
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Key wants to follow the NWO agenda!! Attack the Family by promoting single parent and same sex families. To make men and women turn on each other, While opening the flood gates to 3rd world hordes. And to top it off, Hand over everything to Maardi!!!.
This Social Liberal rhetoric is just to divert our attention from what is a global one world agenda. Run By Criminal bankers and scum!!! :rant
I know what John Key isn’t telling me (but might as well be). Vote for CC – and cross my fingers.
There very well might be, KG. He seemed to be having an awfully good time at the gay pride parade that time, and then there was the mincing on the catwalk. Definitely a pattern here.
“and then there was the mincing on the catwalk”
That was utterly bizarre. I still don’t know how to describe it.
Well so you don’t have to try to, allow me
A sense of humour helps…….
Now why does the Same Sex Adoption Bill not surprise me?
This stupid vote is a yawn. Gays already have the right to a civil union thanks to Clark and co. Why they need anything more evades me.
Care of Children Law Reform Bill – Jacinda Ardern
What would that silly old maid school girl know about children?
She doesn’t know diddly about anything to do with real life. My little Tatiana is more mature at sixteen than that airhead will ever be
Have you seen that giggling, silly, semi-literate indoctri-bot lately? She looks like shite! I mean, she was never an oil painting to begin with (well, a Picasso perhaps), but seriously, she’s looking less like socialism’s favourite pin-up chick and more like Helen Clark & Mr Ed’s love-child every day.
“Helen Clark and Mr Ed’s love child…” mmm mmm mmm
OK, so Mr Ed goes to a better dentist…
KG if you want to understand how John Key thinks, then you have to look at his past.
As most of your readers will know, he was a Merrill Lynch foreign exchange trader for about 5 years.
As Michael Lewis explained it,in his book The Big Short-
“On Wall street there was this strict pecking order.Goldman Sachs was the big kid who ran the games in the neighborhood.Merrill Lynch was the little fat kid assigned the least pleasant roles, just happy to be part of things” Happy to be friends and anxious to please everyone.
Now if you watch Key, in all he says and does it all starts to make sense.
All it proves is that the moral compass of a majority of those shitbags is pointing straight to hell. Saw Arden on the news tonight. No chance of that one naturally breeding.
Strange how all these bills get drawn???And they will pass, even though they are from Labour. It shows the whole house is working together to destroy us….
“It shows the whole house is working together to destroy us….”
You bet it does. The enemy isn’t any particular party–the enemy is the political/bureaucratic class.
Yeh ..the Nats are happy for all this stuff to go thru’ the house at the moment ..there is some unpleasant changes they are doing/about to do in the education system right now.
The other thing of course is that while they’re playing “look at the shiny thing” with the poofs, their hand-picked panel is busy preparing a report recommending a Constitution based on racial preference. Nobody talking about that (except the always-on Ansell). :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner
Maardi are in for a treat.. :popcorn