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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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The picture says it all.
Hi Kathleen. It sure does…hopefully not for much longer, though.
I say an amen to that. Obama out in 2012.
Obama and his cabal of Leftist subhumans are toast as president and ruling class even if patriots have to start CW II!
The Evil Obama Empire that illegally occupied the nation’s capital city will not stand!
The only question is does the blackguard walk away peacefully, or do American patriots pull his dead, cold body out of the White house along with those of his lackeys? :gunner
!!!WOW!!!This looks exactly like BlackBerry like!!Instead of you know Siberia BlackBerry sends workers down in his underground facility so deep that it may match the height of the Twin Towers except of course it B straight down. DiplomaticPouch has a new Negro unit diggin her walk-in shoe closet like you know as we speak Hello U still there? The Negro Unit is general’d by a m-f team Quvenzhane & LaShitbrikka Jones with the New Black Panters providing D discipline oh sheet those double cracks they do with them bullwhips is hell like you know. This B Black Liberation Theology.
Yrs v trly is very serious N beseeches U in our 56-57th Steaks to pleeze rescvue me right NOW pronto. yvt will be waitN @DIsraeli Sewage Exit. YV.T will send a msg 2 Quvenzhane & LaShitbrikka to B on D lookout 4 U. They B my BFFs. It Hell downheah. hasta manana bitches tata Yours Verily Truly HarvonPotatoDa’Head
Sure feel sorry for Harvard lol.
There is just too much stuff on the www!
Action 4 Liberty have some wonderful billboards up!
Oh, and there’s this, where Paul Ryan describes Obama’s vision for America:
Forget about Romney and vote for Ryan!
I remember at the start of the primary process wishing that Ryan had thrown his hat in the ring.
I really thought it was going to be Rubio for VP. I think maybe the Republicans are being smart, if (Dear Lord please no) they lose in November the next ticket could be a Ryan-Rubio one.
Ryan wouldn’a got the nomination this time around. Romney’s smear machine would have destroyed him the way it did Bachmann, Cain, Perry, Gingrich and Santorum. They would’a made an advert with Ryan chucking grandma off a cliff.
Ryan/West 2016.