currently reading

‘Quartered Safe Out Here’  by George  MacDonald Fraser and ‘Carnage and Culture’ by Victor Davis Hanson

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17 Responses to currently reading

  1. mexicano says:

    Great choice of books! QSOH will rock your world, especially when the soldiers debate the use of the atom bomb!

  2. KG says:

    G’day Mexicano. :smile: I’ve read it before (a long while ago) but I keep buying it and giving it to people! A wonderful book, at all sorts of levels.

  3. Cadwallader says:

    My present reading includes “The Uses of Pessimism” by Roger Scruton. It was a recommendation I gleaned from Leighton Smith. Bloody insightful and likely to be loathed by progressives.

  4. Elijah says:

    I would be interested in your review of Carnage and Culture. I’ve heard good things about it.

    • KG says:

      I finished it in the early hours of this morning, Elijah. It’s a deeply absorbing, scholarly book and definitely too much to absorb in one sitting. Better read in bite-size chunks and then kept as a handy reference work.
      I can think of no other book which covers the same ground as comprehensively and which emphasises the connection between armies and culture.
      And readers surely don’t have to be ex-military to enjoy it.

  5. KG says:

    (if you have any difficulty getting a copy, let me know and I’ll send you this one)

  6. Seneca III says:

    Hi, Guys,

    Some of you may remember that there is a small piece on Rangoon Road here:

    However, and slightly off thread I’m afraid, I would recommend, if you have the time and are able get hold of a copy in the Antipodes, the following: WHY WE FIGHT – MANIFESTO OF THE EUROPEAN RESISTANCE by Guillaume Faye.
    (Faye was/is the enfant terrible of the French Nouveau Droit.)

    First English edition 2011 by Arktos Media Ltd = ISBN 978-1-907166-18-1 (Softcover), 978-1-907166-19-8 (Hardcover)

    (Original: ‘Pourquoi nous combattons: Manifeste de la Resistance europeene. Editions de AEncre, Paris, 2001.)

    If you can’t get one down there I would be happy to pick up another copy here and mail it to KG to pass around those of you who are interested.

    Rgds, S III.

    • KG says:

      That’s very kind of you, Seneca. Thanks. It’s been on my reading list for longer than I care to remember and I’ll make another effort to get hold of it.
      And thanks for the GOV link. :cheers

  7. Carnage and culture is a damn good read and a scary one for those non westerners with ambitions of taking on the west. Oh and it’s got far too many uncomfortable truths for the more liberal minded amongst us.

    • KG says:

      Ain’t that the truth, RWT! I especially liked the account of the discipline at Rorke’s Drift and of the Marines during the Tet offensive. :smile:
      But in truth, there are hundreds of such examples.

  8. KG says:

    But do we still have what it takes? I know the old men among us here do, but the youngsters? Dunno….

    • Seneca III says:

      My thoughts as well KG. I am going to pre-order a wheel chair with locking disc brakes in order to absorb the recoil. I suspect that I won’t last long but maybe I can help hold the line long enough for the younger generation to finally wake up and tool up.

      Whatever, WTF, any other departure gate has to be better than sliding off into oblivion as a near vegetable in ‘retirement/care home’.

      • KG says:

        AMEN! to that, Seneca. :whoop
        We could maybe form a Veteran’s Division. I’m sure Oswald Bastable and a few others would ride to the sound of the guns. :twisted:

  9. WAKE UP says:

    Roger Scruton’s “The West and the Rest” is also essential reading.