‘Pascal’ has an idea…..

which might just help throw the Magic Kenyan out on his jug ear come November.

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15 Responses to ‘Pascal’ has an idea…..

  1. Ronbo says:

    I think that deal is already on the agenda – American Patriots, Nationalists, Libertarians, Ayn Rand Atheists, Christians, Jews, sane Muslims, Reagan Democrats and dog lovers (remember, Obama confessed to eating dogs when he was a kid) only agree on one thing — “Hey, hey, hoo, hoo, The Magic Negro has to go!” :grin:

  2. Darin says:

    Jesus wept :roll

    Does no one remember H.Ross Perot?The(faux) third party rift candidate who split the vote and got us Bill Clinton for president????That one should be remembered as the great quantum leap down the progressive road to serfdom.I have family members I STILL have not forgiven for voting for that clown and being so dense as to do so.

    There are several “Blue” states that aren’t so blue they cannot be turned and California is one of them.They could be turned IF conservatives and moderates had not written them off in surrender.

    Equally damaging some(faux) conservatives and moderates are also now talking of surrender in several of the purple states.What the hell???

    We do not need nor want a third party period and there are many reasons why having one is a bad idea.I won’t go into them right now,but anyone who understands American politics and has half a brain should be able to figure it out.Look at what we become if we have more that two parties,do we want to look like the UK or Europe?Why would a governing political system that encourages and supports triangulation be better than what we have now?No,I completely reject a third party as anything more than a delusional fantasy.

    We do not need a third party if we on the right take back control of the Republican party.This is actually happening as we speak and has been all summer.This talk of a third party vote rallying around a nobody like Gary Johnson is akin to calling for surrender in the middle of a pitched battle that we are winning.If you don’t believe me that it is happening then examine who Romeny picked for VP and why as opposed to who the party elites had in mind.

    Romney is not my ideal candidate,but any talk of him being anywhere near as bad as Obama is just plain lunacy.If Obama gets back in,even if the Senate goes back to Republican control we are doomed,people have no idea just how bad things will get under a second Obama term.If you don’t like what he has done so far,well let me tell you it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    So,conservatives and libertarians,if you want to vote for Gary Johnson,or write in your dogs name,or just sit out,then go right ahead.If you do however you are lighting the funeral fire for a once great nation and don’t come crying to me when you get burnt. :rant

    • Pascal says:

      Thanks Darin. You’ve given me arguments that deserve answers. The majority of the misunderstandings of this plan to counter the Statist schemers have come from Red State conservatives. I answered one (from Texas) in part 2. I intend to answer you in part 3.

      Thanks to KG for posting this. I needed a wider audience in order to hear objections and I’ve not been disappointed.

      • Contempt says:

        Got that right Darin. All votes to Romney.

        • Pascal says:

          Ignorance of the significance and usefulness of the Electoral College is understandable in a non-American. Fitting name of yours for Americans who don’t.

  3. Katie says:

    First of all in many states this is illegal.

    But what will give Romney a win is to get out the vote. The side which gets most of its supporters out will win.

    • Pascal says:

      If it is illegal, then I demand to be arrested. If I’m convicted, better for the world to know now, without any further doubt, that America, the sanctuary during WW II, is lost. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJQIqDx_dYw

      This proposal is geared to do exactly that– GET OUT THE VOTE. So many conservatives are inclined to stay home in Blue states that there is a very good chance that in mine, California, both the assembly and state senate could wind up with 2/3 majorities. At that point, goodbye just about every proposition the voters passed that the Left hates. I not only want to turn purple states red, I want to thwart the loss of our state voices.

  4. Contempt says:

    Maybe I posted this earlier? Hank Williams’ Take Back Our Country” with varieties of Gadsden flags. Vote for Hank?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY-Z1hjquqo&feature=related

    Damn good thing that Harvard dude is not around today.

  5. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!Ifeel your pain Mr. Pascal!!!! Firstly, Yrs V. trly’s cognacs must be put in to my eyes 2 C however the center of the earth is oveerly hot & B concerned cognacs will melt on my balls. Things are bad everywhere BUT down on the 1369th floor of BlackBerry’s Chigger Kompound @ D VooDoo Shoppe a large selection of BLACK HOODIES has arrived. Suitable for civilian militia Eunicks. Sizes available XXXXXS 2 XXXXXXXXL for only $65 gold, US currency or gold jewelry, family heirlooms, etc.

    Reloading Lessons at 5PM USAECDT. Instructress Debbie Wasserman Schultz demonstrates proper methods to reload wateer guns, pea shooters and fart blasters. !!!OMAkbarBigMO B cummin’!!!hit d dirt eyiiiieeeiiiieeeeiii

  6. Pascal says:

    My response to Darin’s objections are posted. Vote Swapping Pledge Part 3, Objections Answered.

    • Darin says:

      Since I couldn’t log in over there,here goes-

      Don’t have time to write a full reply right now (I’m a rabid capitalist) but I’ll make a quick point or three.

      “Is it really wise to presume for Him?”

      Read the book of Hosea and get up to speed,like Hosea lamented “my people perish for lack of knowledge” we are well and truly at the point of perishing.

      Consider this election as what it truly is,not just a battle,but the whole war.If we lose this one it’s over,plain and simple.No talk of a third party or vote swapping is going to change that.

      I really get the sense that a lot of folks are thinking that if we lose this election we will just rebuild for the next one.That isn’t the case,there is no guarantee there will be another election and no I am not wearing a tin foil beanie.

      Look at it this way,this is D-day,we are standing on the Beach with bullets whizzing past our heads,there is no going back and we must get off this beach or we are dead.This no time to be debating who the general is,that time is past like it or not.This is no time for a protest vote by anyone,you can bet those on the left will not be voting green party,because they know what the stakes are if they do.The left has their act together and will be voting as a unified block come Nov.

      This is the time when conservatives of all stripes must get down in the blood and guts and do the right thing.We can hash out the finer details after the mopping up is done on the beach head.


      • Pascal says:

        “This is no time for a protest vote by anyone.”

        Couldn’t agree more Darin. We may still go down the tubes with Romney, but simply slower, and that is the point and why I’m reaching out to Libertarians and other independents who are convinced by the half-baked slogan that voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil not to vote for either one, on principle. Maybe when you read the rest of part 3 you will understand this better.

        The United States has a republican form of electing its president thanks to our forefathers and Providence. Statists of all stripes have wanted to get rid of it for a reason. My aim is we make full use of it. This plan does that. By increasing the vote for Romney in the battleground states we buy our republic some more time. We do not have to win in all states, just in enough, as did George W. Bush.

      • Contempt says:

        And then there’s no guarantee that the fight is not already lost. Darin, I have very little faith that obowa will resign or at the least continue like a bull in the china shop until someone [WHO?] runs him out. He seems to be hell bent on destroying anything American. Many people are feeling this and talking more openly about it.

        • Darin says:

          I worry about the October suprise they might have planned.Wonder which American city will get dusted? :shock:

      • Pascal says:

        Darin, and you don’t have to log in to my blog or blogger today. You can post under either “Anonymous” or “Name/URL.” With the latter you can just type Darin and leave the URL blank.