‘LONDON—More than 100 million people will die and global economic growth will be cut by 3.2 per cent of gross domestic product by 2030 if the world fails to tackle climate change, a report commissioned by 20 governments said on Wednesday…’ source
Take a look at the organization which produced this pile of steaming crap. Their website is very short on evidence of their expertise……or their impartiality. How surprising.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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When will this utter nonsense finally cease? It has been shown to be shit so why are governments still funding this? The agenda is what?
NWO, cadwaller. Global socialism, under the control of the UN. Nothing more, nothing less.
I wonder what type of riots there will be when this is impossible to find due to this?
What will you do?
:rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant
The first this is:
Does it make you hungry yet?
Wabbit never gets hungry, Katie. Dunno why. The first sign that I’ve missed a meal or three is blurred vision, and that reminds me to eat.
If there’s a bacon drought, I’ll just go out and shoot a wild pig.
Or go to Turkey bacon. I know it’s not pig, but it does taste very good.
But why is it that Bacon is the only casualty? Many other farm animals are kept indoors these days, and fed assorted grains that have “accidentally” become highly priced (for “accident” read “bio-fuels”). It couldn’t be another “eerie synchronicity” could it?
Just in time for the 2012 Scheid Diesel Extravaganza
It’s a beautiful thing :cheers
It is indeed a beautiful thing Darin.

It is on my list of things that make absolutely no sense,
but make mankind so great. :cheers And joins a list of things that I would pay good money to watch
Also included are……Ethel Purtle with ”King”.
And a………..Goat walking on a tightrope with a monkey on its back .
That Goat is brilliant,from having watched Mountain Goats in the wild I swear they have built in Gyroscopes
More horsecrap.
‘Installed EU wind capacity reaches the 100 gigawatt mark – the equivalent of power generated from 39 nuclear plants – @Reuters’
Well they do……until about 8:00 o’clock every evening when the wind lulls and the NG Peaker plants spool up to carry the demand.If it wasn’t for Natural Gas and MASSIVE subsidies European windpower would fail leaving the starting gate and it’s nearly the same here.
Like here when these schemes begin to unravel it’s discovered by the taxpayers that the only way they work is through MASSIVE borrowing to keep the system afloat.
I sure hope most people are tired of this crap and don’t listen to these cretins anymore.
Of the ones I’ve spoken to, about 30% seem to believe it, RWT.
20 years ago it would have been a small group of Me Want Money nutters in a pokey office with a fax machine.
Today, it’s a small group of Me Want More Money nutters in a flash taxpayer funded office with a top-shelf web site.
Wasn’t it Goebbels who said [paraphrase] “If a lie is big enough, and is repeated often enough … it will come to be regarded as fact/truth.”
Nuff said.
Kris,where you been?We were wondering if we should send flowers :popcorn
Been busy doin’ [split] shift-work and having trouble even getting time to read my fav blog, let alone make comments. Have been missing you guys, too.
Ah,work,I find it highly over rated,the older I get the less of it I want to do :popcorn
It fascinates me…I can sit and watch it for hours.
Yeah! ‘Fess up, Kris….