‘U.S. Army Lieutenant General (Ret.) William Jerry Boykin claims that individuals with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood hold security clearances in both the Pentagon and the Department of Defense.
Boykin says Republicans should have listened to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn), who was correct to be concerned over possible Muslim Brotherhood ties of Huma Abedin, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff. Boykin says politicians on both sides of the aisle are scared to pursue the truth on this, for fear of being branded “intolerant,” and the result of their inaction is continued infiltration by the radical Islamic organization.
He claims that people with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood hold important positions “in every major federal agency.”
Boykin was one of the original members of the Army’s Delta Force, served in clandestine operations for the CIA, and was formerly a Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence…’ source
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Remember Anthony Weiner?The Democrat US congressman who got in trouble for sending cellphone pictures of himself in his underwear to female staffers which later resulted in his resignation?
He’s Huma Abedin’s husband….just let that sink in for a second……when all that went down,everybody wondered why he would be so thick headed as to do something like that.Remember also that Huma Abedin is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s #1 at State Department.
Now it could be he is that stupid….but I wonder if he knew something and needed a way out without being a traitor or being killed by Huma’s friends in the MBH?Just saying.
Meanwhile back in Afganistan and why a .308 rifle is better to the distances involved-
What’s new?
Like the Communists during WW II and the Cold War, the American Leftist traitors have allowed a dangerous Fifth Column to set up shop in the Federal Government.
The short term solution is that the Romney Regime – if it gets elected in November – should purge the most dangerous of the Islamists and Communists in the first 90 days after taking office, and for the HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) to be given life again.
However, the final solution is the complete destruction of the American Left. The rats must be removed from all positions of authority in the Republic, driven back into the sewers where they breed and wiped out to the last stinking rodent.
The Feds should be strong only in national defense…The rest can be accomplished by We The People.
Australians suddenly richer as statistician “finds” $338 billion
Congratulations. Now, your government can tax you even more.
scene from “The Magic Christian”,
Completely O/T (except insofar as NASA is now a Muslim outreach) I’ve just finished watching the latest of Bill Whittle’s ‘Afterburner’ series. He waxes lyrical and emotional on the death of the Space Shuttle program, and US adventuring in general. It really is a wonderful segment. You can see it here:
But that isn’t what got me. Have a listen to the last sentence. I’m wondering to myself whether that might not be an unintended consequence of the failed Obama experiment? If it catalyses, inspires and enthuses great Americans like Whittle to redouble their energies, if it encourages those who have been on the sidelines to get involved and fight for the principles on which the US was founded, I wonder if 4 years of misery might not have been worth it? 8 years will of course be too much, but for 4 years (and $4 Trillion), it seems a small price to pay for energising millions of patriots.
What do you think?
TGG Anything that works. If we beat this rap a great lesson will have been learned. We are all liberals wanting everything from time to time. Difference is do not squander everything. Anyway today at a farmer’s market nobody did much business. Think business is over until the election. Raise Hell Mitt Hear us!
as usual gotta go to some music for sanity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4SXb-SnrxY
And I think you’d be better asking Ryan to raise hell than Romney. But, whatever it takes.
more lousy suspect actions. My vote is counted?? in Spain??
Welcome to the New World Order, friend.
Useful link. “Unskewed Polls”:
If, as the article suggests, Romney and co. know of this infiltration, and how could they not, why the hell are they not USING it this election? Why are they still playing nice when so much hangs on the result? Am I too simple to geddit? What is Romney thinking?
I think it’s a damn fine illustration of the fact that
a) the Repubs have no balls
b) they’re largely indifferent to anything other than gaining and holding on to power.
The welfare of the Republic comes way, way down their list of priorities.
The ‘West” has no balls. Europe is fucked. I thought that America might have been smarter but what do we see there … Mosques being built everywhere. America deserves what it will soon become. Another Islamic state.
And we’re supposed to believe he’s not a closet muslim or a willing lackey.