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Egyptian President ‘Adjusts’ Himself on Live Television
No class.
Yes, she’s more Joe Frazier than Cassius Clay..he was pretty by his own definition! :whoop
I read the headline, and just knew it was once again a case of the ..um..melanin enriched getting their kicks:
A group of teens violently attacked a woman at random in Chester and recorded the entire incident on tape.
During the vicious attack, which was later posted on Facebook, the teens could be heard screaming obscenities and even laughing.
Also helps with constipation.
Gawd……she looks like she’s one of the cast in the original “Planet of the Apes”. I’m very happy to see that her school meals are not going down very well. :popcorn
Hideous, isn’t it? So much for the media’s fawning over the “beautiful, stylish” First Lady………
Yeah, the school meals are a debacle. In one breath the Kenyan demands that his family be above criticism, in the next the bastard is using them to score political points. Moocher needs shoes with pre-drilled holes in them, to save ruining them every time she shoots herself in the simian foot.
This is not a surprise. We’ve known for years that Democratic women were ugly. Now there is proof
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm….Michelle Bachmann…………. :whoop
I think you’ll appreciate this one, KG: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/09/its_over.html
Semper Fi’
“…The same hardcore group of delusional ideologues who would vote for him even if they came home from work and caught him beating their grandmothers to death with his Nobel Prize”
:cheers Nice one, DM
KG, do believe the mentally challenged in the PA video describes the savages best. Not a “random” attack and average IQ maybe 75.
And 75 is being generous, Contempt.
Love it, lol.