The liberal myth of race history exploded in latest book.
And the review’s money quote:
“Then again, liberals have been uncomfortable around black people for over two centuries, the chains being the first clue…”
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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There is not a doubt in my formerly military mind that Ann Coulter’s book signals the beginning of the end for political racism in America for the simple reason that she has exposed the real racists – the American “liberals” (i.e. Socialists)
Indeed, racism is always a Leftist disease from the LEFTIST National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (NAZI) of Adolf Hitler to the LEFTIST Communist Party of Joseph Stalin to the SOCIALIST Democrat Party of Barack Obama.
As I’ve said many times before, this is REVOLUTIONARY period in America that will see the groundwork laid for global insurrection that will break the chains of socialism which has turned entire countries into prisons.
Was listening to Glen Beck this am on the way to work,he had Ann on and I must say they did have the best advice for anyone being called a racist by a lefty.
Just tell them to go to hell and pay them no mind,just shut them down.
See if you can watch all of this with out puking…
I won’t watch it because it’ll spoil my breakfast, however I did catch the bit earlier where Whoopsie told Coulter that she couldn’t know what she was talking about because ‘she wasn’t black’. What a dumb, despicable, worthless piece of dung she is. A useless actor full of rage about being black and racism……………………who has been given one lucrative movie part after another precisely because she is black. Spit. :rant
Whoopi’s successful career as an actor/comedian along with the millions of dollars she has are obvious proof of racism in America
Aye. Following her “logic”, then blacks don’t know what they’re talking about on the subject of democracy and the rule of law because they’re not white.
Would this be the same Whoopi of the “it wasn’t rape rape” line of reasoning?
Note to KG; wish I had your vomit emoticon.
I can send it to you if you like, John.