From the ABC. I refuse to link to that disgusting organization.
‘More asylum seekers opt to return to Sri Lanka
Another group of Sri Lankan asylum seekers has asked to be sent home, rather than risk Australia sending them to an offshore processing facility.
Immigration Minister Chris Bowen says the group consists of 28 men who arrived both before and after the new processing arrangements for Nauru and Manus Island were announced in August.
He says the men have come from detention centres on Nauru, Christmas Island, as well as mainland facilities including Villawood and Northam.
The men are on a flight to Colombo that departed Christmas Island this morning.
Earlier this month another group of Sri Lankan asylum seekers opted to head home rather than be sent to Nauru.
…….Meanwhile, the Department of Immigration has confirmed that 52 boats and nearly 3,200 passengers have been intercepted since the new processing arrangements came into force.
The Camp Of The Saints is a prophetic novel.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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That’d be Sri Lankans who come from a country so beset by war and pestilence that it’s currently playing host to the world’s elite cricketers for the World Twenty20 Cup?
Yes, Camp of the Saints was prophetic. Raspail’s description of the vessels approaching and bumping into France sounds a lot like what would happen if the RNZN Taxi Service didn’t first pick our lot up just outside Jakarta!
The ABC is an utter disgrace.
Bolt does a good job of exposing it for the nest of vipers it really is, but so does Gerard Henderson at Media Watch Dog.
(his dog Nancy does the writing) Example-
Miranda Devine’s Q&A Prophecy Fulfilled – In Just Two Days
Interviewed by Nick Leys for his article on the ABC1 Q&A program in The Weekend Australian last Saturday, News Limited columnist Miranda Devine had this to say about the program:
It used to be Jerry Springer for the faux intellectual set. Now it’s like a drunk mad woman pulling up her skirt in a last-ditch effort to attract attention.
Any interesting guest, usually a foreigner who doesn’t know any better, is drowned out by the guest moron. The topics are always the same: gay marriage, global warming, Malcolm is better than Tony.
Worst of all are the Tweets, which are the opposite of witty, insightful and generous-spirited. Australians are hungry for intelligent, witty panels show. Q&A insults them.
Nancy’s co-owner read Ms Devine’s comment in The Weekend Australian on Saturday. Then on Monday evening he turned on Q&A. Here’s how the program kicked off:
Tony Jones : Good evening and welcome to Q&A. I’m Tony Jones.,..
Will Berthelot : Tony, the YMCA New South Wales Youth Parliament, of which ten of us tonight were recently involved in, recently debated same-sex marriage, where it passed overwhelmingly 79 to 11. With the recent landslide defeats in both the Senate and House of Representatives, do you think this is a younger generational issue or do you think the tides will turn for the current generation?
Tony Jones : Jason, let’s start with you. This is a big issue in the United States as well. Obama has endorsed gay marriage now.
Jason Silva: Yeah, finally.
So there you have it. Last Monday night (Australian time) there was a raging civil war in Syria, Iran was apparently moving closer to acquiring nuclear weapons, the United States presidential election campaign was under way, doubts were being expressed about the composition of China’s leadership, there was growing tension in the South China Seas – and so on. And Q&A kicked off with what is called the conversation with a chosen question on gay marriage in the US.
Not only is the ABC the haven for leftist filth and a propaganda arm of the Trots, it also crowds out (at taxpayer’s expense) other, less rabidly left news outlets.
Out here in the country, we can only get ABC Radio and THREE ABC television channels!
Yeah, and too many people are just so unaware of what a deceitful lying proganda arm of the left the ABC is.
They give so much time to that totalitarian thug Tanya Plibersek. You may not know her but she is one disgusting would be tyrant. Just mind boggling to me. I can’t understand how so many such repugnant people are making it into parliament.
Plibersek, like the Attorney General Nicola Roxon, is a slimy product of the left’s academia/unions/labor machine. The same machine which gave us the Welsh commie cow.
They’re making it into Parliament because they’re what the voters are offered and Labor voter’s attitude is “never mind the quality, look at the ideology”.
Ignorant clowns with their hands out were never going to be a discriminating market.