Good grief!

A man with principles!     Good for him.
Off to Townsville for a few days. To pick up an iMac, beer and other essentials.

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24 Responses to Good grief!

  1. tom says:

    Buy that man a beer.Just returned from a trip out to Hughenden,Winton Longreach and all the little towns inbetween.Greatest thing ever done.Already planning the next trip.Fabulous place.Loved every minute of it.If you are in the area,callinto the Artisian Hotel,Its owned by a kiwi bloke,had a beer with him and it turns out he lived 10 minutes away in his younger days.Small world,even out there.

    • tom says:

      Artisian Hotel in Barcaldine,but you probably knew that.

      • KG says:

        Next time you come out this way, call in to Richmond, Tom. There’s always a cold beer or two in the fridge. :cheers (oh, and very happy and impressed that you enjoyed our wide open spaces out here and didn’t come up with the usual suburban moan of “but there’s nothing to see”….. :grin: )

  2. RobertvdL says:

    Remember GREEN Germany ?

    “16 new coal-fired and 15 new gas-fired power stations by 2020, with a combined output equivalent to some 38 per cent of Germany’s electricity needs. None of these will be required to have “carbon capture and storage” (CCS), which is just an empty pipedream.”

    • mawm says:

      They are also having to replace the power generated by the nuclear power stations after their knee-jerk response to the Fukishima disaster.

    • Katie says:

      Didn’t they try to do without coal power? And didn’t hundreds go without power during the coldest days?

      • Darin says:

        It was the enormous huge bills the ratepayers got stuck with when they attempted the green nonsense.Apparently swapping money and subsides around doesn’t work.

  3. octagongrappler says:

    Its ok to attract diversity for sport, But Central was and is a club for croats only and this is misleading!!!

  4. KG says:

    Love this iMac. And the great view from our hotel. It has a full-size fridge, too. :twisted: We just had a Chinese meal in a restaurant almost next door, overlooking the marina. $50 for two, including wine. (and lots of women in short skirts wandering past the balcony, in the warm evening air. :cheers )

  5. octagongrappler says:

    All week the feeiiinngggg herald has been on about this grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :censor :rant :wtf

    • KG says:

      From your link:
      “Auckland Mayor Len Brown believes the growing number of celebrations have an important role for the region’s melting pot of 180 ethnicities and will help bring communities together..”
      The prick is uninformed, brain-dead or plain dishonest. All the reputable studies done on this subject so far point to multiculturalism being divisive and expensive. And socially damaging.
      So the Herald simply recycles the bullshit…..

      • octagongrappler says:

        The Latern Festival is just one big Asian fast food joint, Nothing of any real cosmic relationship or emotional value for me. Its just a chance for ethnic communities to jump up and down and say look at me. I have yet to find an Anglo festival funded by ratepayers for anglo’s an about Anglo’s????

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Hey, I like a stir-fry and a curry as much as the next fella. I’ve not tried (nor do I have any desire to try) sheep’s-head or goat’s-head stew.

          And whaddaya mean no anglo festival? What’s the Santa Parade? Surely one hour a year is enough for you? Or are you a rrrrrraaaaaacccccciiiiiissssssttttt??????? :popcorn

          • octagongrappler says:

            Gantt the Santa Parade is a multi cultural fest!! It has 60 different ethnic floats in the parade with santa at the end?

            • octagongrappler says:

              Plus St Nic is not an Anglo :mrgreen:

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                Yeah, but he’s *represented* as an Anglo. Some fat bastard in red pyjamas trying to lure young children with sweets and presents? Gotta be an Anglo. In fact, probably an Anglo primary-school teacher!

                Whitey should be grateful the fat prick is even allowed in the Santa Parade. It’s racism, I tell ya. Oppression. Santa should be some fat brown dude in a grass skirt bashing the children. Now *that* would be multi-cultural!

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        It’s the term “melting pot”, KG. It ain’t a melting pot, it’s a bento box. All of the pieces are separate, and all are equally valid.

        If it were a “melting pot” there would be one people with one distinct culture. And we wouldn’t be bowing down to and throwing jizya at the proponents of Apartheid.

  6. octagongrappler says:

    We Kiwis are lazy and useless!!

    If you see a blue collar kiwi today. tell them they are useless and unwanted!!!

  7. mistress mara says:

    I’m glad you can still laugh about this Octagongrappler. Prof. Spooner says the new arrivals from Asia, Africa and the Middle East “have helped New Zealand become more connected globally as these new communities maintained strong connections with their homeland and their diaspora.” Meanwhile the Auckland Council is looking into introducing an Islamic festival. And the public response to this treasonous idiocy is, of course, nothing.
    I live a 5 min drive away from racial/cultural ugliness that most kiwisheep have never thought of and have, of course, never seen.

  8. octagongrappler says:


    Its actually chilling that Spooner gets a free ride in the media!! As for this Alice Wang, then why is Asian migration all east to west??? We must have done something right us lazy Anglos!!! :rant