Caution! Commies don’t function at altitude.

BIAS ALERT: Gore Says 
Air Made Obama Stumble
Current TV founder defends Obama’s debate performance, says Denver’s altitude threw the president off..’

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12 Responses to Caution! Commies don’t function at altitude.

  1. mistress mara says:

    And to think that people are soon going to pay ACTUAL money to hear this porcine poseur speak in NZ soon!! Hmm, otoh, I’m guessing a fair percentage of them will be attending on the public tit, bureaucrats, politicians etc, so it’s not REAL money at all is it, when it’s taxpayers’ money? Yeah, silly me. :roll:

  2. kz7 says:

    Global warming?

  3. Darin says:

    When people start complaining and ragging on Bush,the first thing I do is tell them thank God we did have Bush for president,otherwise it would have been that idiot Gore.
    Strangely no one has ever disagreed with that statement no matter how lefty they are :popcorn

  4. Darin says:

    Interesting article,could it be that some states considered safe wins for Obama might actually be in play?

  5. Fairfacts Media says:

    Enjoy this Korean cartoon showing how Romney beat Obama in the debate.

  6. Cadwallader says:

    Reminds me of the late great Warren Zevon who wrote the new anthem for Obama…”Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead.” Good number, almost as party-wailing as “Werewolves Of London.” (Or should that be Washington DC?) :whoop

  7. Mark says:

    Made Obama was back on smack! Without his teleprometer he sounds like any other junkie you see on the streets.

  8. HarvardPotatohead says:

    !!!Did someone say “smack?”!!!Yes of course that is it. Rumor down here in the BlackBerry Chigger Kompound is that “George did it.”*But alas, you can’t strike gold in a silver mine so briefly y.V.trulily submits announcements & like so forth & so on like:
    1. Lekture: How to eliminate constipation given by Diplomatic Pouch, BS, LLB, XYZ, ABC123, AffirmativeActung Universithy.
    a. Chew well and swallow 69 prunes daily. c. drink 3 big glasses of warm water, lay down Sally, wait 15 minutes and blow it out. Works every time. d. Take a few fiber tablets for texture. e. Look and listen at Hillary cackle lunaticularly. You can’t make such apparitions up!
    2. News: Jungle Drums are being installed at the bandbox on each level. More later.
    3. N. Pillosi smiles too wide and cracks jaw.
    4. Unisex crappers now located on alternate levels. BYOPaper.
    5. Rape Rooms being installed as we speak.
    6. LGBT crappers now installed@level 69.

    Movie in the Fruit Lounge: How to use the crapper starring BlackBerry as heself.
    Plot: BBry demonstrates usage of D crappeer and flushes himself down.
    Produced by Harvard Graduate Studies in Health.

    Lastly: Our 61st Steak aka African Continent has elected democratically to have its votes counted by Lucy’s Group of Chimpanzees and Baboons.**

    Must say adios amigos, so nice to be superior enough to spread the good news to lower beings in our 56-57th Steaks. Thank You so Much, tata Yours Verily Trulily, HarvardPotatoHead, Level 6969, BlackBerry’s Chigger Kompound, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC, USA.

    *To confirm this rumor, contact George_Ob.Nhut@
    **Motto “Accuracy is Job One.”

  9. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    Can’t we just be friends Mr. Contempt?
    Maybe some good ole ‘merican music will help
    Johnnie Taylor, You can’t strike gold in a silver mine.