Australia:   ‘THE High Court has ruled an asylum seeker deemed a security risk can still be granted a refugee visa..’
I sincerely hope the bastard judge and lawyers become victims of one of these a-holes someday.

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7 Responses to TREASON BY LAW:

  1. dondiego says:

    “Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said the High Court ruling meant the government had no power to keep known security risks out of the community.”

    Then why the :censor have a government?

    Lawyers such as Manne need to meet the business end of the rope just after their enablers. Funny how the pricks altruism extends to other peoples neighbourhoods, yet none trumpet examples of taking 3rd worlders into their own homes.

    • Ronbo says:

      Americans have asked this question as well since the Obama Regime seized federal power in 2009 and opened up our borders to the barbarians of the world.

      The answer to the question is the Leftist elites who run our countries are the allies of the savages.

  2. you are not alone-
    we have GITMO terrorists being released -again and again –to kill our BEST-!!!

    I got a great early Birthday present-Wed-
    Romney stood his ground-an won-I had questions about him–still do- but- based on his focus at the Wed debate–I’ll support him—
    My Birthday was Thurs- October 4–
    There is still hope for the US Republic–if Romney does not reeeeeach too often – across the aisle!!!

    • Darin says:

      Happy B-day Carol! :whoop

    • Ronbo says:


      In the days of the Roman Empire, the new emperor was presented to the People in a Triumph with the Romans wildly cheering their new ruler. The man of the hour stood ram rod straight in his chariot while his children dressed in white rode the beautiful white horses pulling the chariot over a sea of flowers thrown in the street.

      When at last he arrived at the Senate House to take the sacred oath to support and defend the Roman Constitution before the wise grey beards of the Republic, the humble slave who stood beside him in the chariot whispered for the last time, “Remember Caesar, Thou Art Mortal.”

      My point is that if Romney is elected president of our American Republic, we patriots must make him hear our many whispers in his ear.

      After all, Romney will be the president we get – not the president we want.

  3. KG says:

    Seconded. It’s not every day you turn 21. Have a very fine day. :cheers

  4. Ronbo says:


    Happy 21st Birthday!

    Cheers, Ronbo

    (29 years old and holding :mrgreen: )