‘CHEAP wine will be banned under a federal health agency’s plan to make drinkers pay at least $8-$10 for a bottle of booze, in a bid to stop cheap drunks binging on discount drinks..’               source
Because we’re naughty children, you see and it’s necessary to punish the whole population for the actions of a few idiots. The wowsers lobby government (with our money) and government obligingly changes the law or brings in new laws, because that will increase revenue and give the impression they’re doing something useful. Now watch for the unintended consequences of this bullshit….illicit (and sometimes poisonous) booze, increased consumption of other drugs. And still politicians will be able to get pissed on their taxpayer-subsidised drinks.

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2 Responses to FFS!

  1. dondiego says:

    Another attack on culture. Cheap Wine & Three-day Growth. What a song! Unsettling, this, death by a thousand cuts business.

  2. KG says:

    Unsettling, and bloody infuriating DonD. :rant