Open house

A stiff and slightly sore Wabbit this morning, after a practice session with the 50lb longbow. It was fun, though.
UPDATE: Redbaiter has a good post up. ‘God haters channeling Karl Marx’

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60 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Could somebody please try to get up and let me know the result? Thanks.
    This site says it’s down, but there’s no mention anywhere on the ‘net of it.

  2. KG says:

    Will The Election Results Cause Massive Riots To Erupt All Over America?

  3. Darin says:

    Don’t piss off the bus driver :shock:

  4. mawm says:

    50 lbs! :wtf the English longbowmen drew 120 – 140lbs at Azincourt, Crecy, etc. They must have looked like Orangutans. :shock: :cheers mawm

  5. KG says:

    50lbs is still a pretty fair draw nowadays, Mawm. Just stringing the damn thing is hard enough.
    God only knows how those guys drew 120lbs bows–my ancestors were there and they sure haven’t passed on the gorilla gene. :sad:
    Some recently unearthed remains show that those men–who started archery at a very early age–did in fact grow up deformed from prolonged use of the bow. Not surprising, really.

    • KG says:

      And I particularly like this quote:
      ‘..From the time that the yeoman class of England became proficient with the longbow, the nobility in England had to be careful not to push them into open rebellion. This was a check on the power of the nobility of England which did not exist on the European continent..’ :smile:

  6. KG says:

    Shouldn’t we be discussing cake recipes or something too? You know, for…um..gender balance or whatnot?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Has a couple of cracker questions for Gillard :mrgreen:

  8. KG says:

    Great questions, VonL. :grin: The Bunyip likes Gillard about as much as we do.

  9. mistress mara says:

    KG “cake recipes/genger balance..” I’ve got this dear little 50 page booklet named “Scum Manifesto.” by Valerie Solanas. Thought ya all might enjoy some of page 1. “Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex.” If you like I can post the rest of the book in daily blocks until it’s finished. I hear you say oh that’s too much to ask but I would do it, just for you. Forget the cake recipes. Who has time to bake? :razz:

    • Katie says:

      Here is a great recipe for you guys:

      Bacon Explosion

      This should satisfy at least one of your desires.

      This should satisfy the other desire.

    • KG says:

      “….females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex.”
      So, we can relax, then Mara? They’ll still be talking about it and arranging child-minding and colour co-ordinating the bathroom towels and meeting for coffee until about 2060.
      Then they’ll form a committee to discuss the difference between heteronormative and heteroacceptable before they can hit the road. And then, a backpack being much bigger than a purse, it’ll take ’em another six months to get packed and head off to the revolution.
      So, we can have a beer or two while we wait for them to arrive.. :twisted:

      • Katie says:

        And without the male sex how do we have children and who will kill the spiders? Conception is SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

  10. Redbaiter says:

    Y’know the plant Nazis conducting dawn raids with six police cars is bad enough but what is really starting to piss me off is that these over the top barbaric scum seem to believe they have an always present right to confiscate computers.

    At the drop of a hat.

    Apparently this guy hasn’t been charged with anything, but these jack booted little Hitlers have helped themselves to his computers.

    Surely its time something was done to limit the power of these bastards to just help themselves to people’s computers (and other stuff) whenever they want.

    I hope this guy sues these jack booted scum and I hope Kim Dotcom sues the shit out of the thugs who invaded his home and took everything.

  11. KG says:

    It’s the rise of the power of bureaucrats, RB. Everybody thinks politicians are the threat and to some extent, they are. But the power of bureaucrats has risen exponentially over the last ten years and the pricks are accountable to nobody.
    A few public hangings will be needed before the assholes pull their heads in. :rant

  12. KG says:

    “Hobbs said he had been told by an Auckland Council lawyer not to speak to the media. A council spokeswoman also refused to comment.”
    This is what’s wrong with Kiwis today. The proper response to the lawyer would have been “go fuck yourself”, but gutless Hobbs obeys the prick!!
    No lawyer is entitled to issue an instruction to a citizen not to talk to the media–or to anybody else for that matter. The arrogant fucker needs dragging outside and kneecapping.
    And the person who obeyed him is no better–compliant assholes like him are busy giving away your liberties and mine.

    • MvL says:

      Just lovely :lol:
      And remember…in 1940 the average age of a Spitfire pilot was about 20, he was paid 12 shillings and 6 pence a day, and there were no twin cockpits. His first solo was just him and the Merlin :mrgreen:
      Lovely story of Gunnery-leader’s attempts to get air-gunners to volunteer for the “tail-end Charlie” position……………..the most vulnerable position in the aircraft.
      Leader……….”You’ll get an extra 6d a day……..”
      Gunner………”How much is that a month ?”
      Leader………”Dunno, we’ve never had one last that long !”

  13. Darin says:

    Oh and the Jack Boots f–ked up again-

    If that was my daughter those cops heads would be on a pike :evil: :gunner

  14. mistress mara says:

    OMG … What will Ole Miss bufallo do when her mud pool drains and reality sets in? I almost have sympathy. Almost.

  15. mistress mara says:

    er, buffalo, buffello, buufalo, ah shit you know, the enormous muscular beast of the plains? Or do I mean the enormous thing with eyes on the top of its head that lives in muddy rivers? I haven’t been keeping up with the Nat. Geographic Chan. :oops:

  16. Darin says:

    Fearless Felix made it! :whoop

    128,000ft jump,free fall broke the sound barrier-

  17. mistress mara says:

    KG you are calling me a hippo, ya bastard misogynistc, brutal, feral, douche bag, savage, arsehole pig!!! Erm, where was I? Ah yes ….. the hippo. Lovely creature.

  18. KG says:

    “KG you are calling me a hippo,..”
    :wtf :shock: :shock: I did not, Mara petal.
    But thank you for the string of compliments anyway. :whoop

    • oswald bastable says:

      The hippo kills more people than all the other critters in Africa! (Rock Apes excluded)

  19. mistress mara says:

    :wtf :shock: :razz: :o :mrgreen: :idea: :gunner :cheers Take your pick bubs.