‘It has been a bad few weeks for those of us who believe in individual freedom and personal responsibility.
In just one month, our know-it-all bureaucrats have banned schoolkids from doing cartwheels and playing ball games. Our taxpayer-funded pseudo-intellectual academics have decided that we need “plain packaging for food” and “government regulated portion sizes” – That’s right. They want some paper pusher in Canberra to decide just how much food we can be served. If you want a larger meal? Sorry – it will be illegal. And, when it is served, or when it is on the shelf, it can only be in drab olive-brown packets, with no logo, no colour – nothing.
At the same time, the Gillard Government is going ahead with plans to read all your emails. In my home state of NSW they want to ban cocktails, bottled beer and wine, and shouting drinks for your mates. And, on top of it all, it looks like we’re about to get “graphic health warnings” for alcohol!
All this was proposed in the space of just one month! One month!
And that’s not all – earlier this week the Australian Preventative Health Agency, which receives of $40 million in tax dollars a year to lobby for the nanny state, proposed banning affordable wine with the creation of a wine supertax! This desperate grab for cash won’t deter problem drinkers, and will only hurter poorer families, in particularly old-age pensioners who are the main consumers of cask wine in Australia. But it looks like our Government’s going to do it anyway.
I wish this was a joke. I wish it was April 1st. But these are all serious proposals that our tax dollars paid for. And if history is any guide, it might just get in. Can you just imagine this madness? A few years ago, you would have been laughed at for saying such things. Now, it’s seriously being promoted – with our taxes.
What sort of a society are we living in where this is now considered the norm?
But it’s not too late to change this. It’s not too late to turn things around. We CAN win back our freedoms and stop this insanity.
This is why we set up MyChoice Australia: a new activist group, advised by the great Associate Professor Dr. Michael Keane (one of the few good academics in Australia!), to take back our freedoms…’
In a column entitled “A Nation of Sheeple,” columnist Walter E. Williams writes, “Americans sheepishly accepted all sorts of Transportation Security Administration nonsense. In the name of security, we’ve allowed fingernail clippers, eyeglass screwdrivers and toy soldiers to be taken from us prior to boarding a plane.”
next stop
The Slaughterhouse.
It’s the logical end-point, isn’t it Robert?
Same, same in the USA, which is the reason why anyone serious about their kids getting a quality education sent them to religious schools, private academies, or home school them.
The public schools are nothing more than propaganda centers for the State – and this includes most so-called colleges.
You bet they are, Ronbo. “Teachers” in public skools are no more than indoctribots. :gunner
A phrase that has been used here before applies now, just as when first used: There is an “eerie synchronicity” about all of these loss of freedoms. Just about every country in the world is having significant losses of freedom rammed into place (for the benefit of the people, you understand (not!)).
Restrictions and/or recorded surveillance on just about all we do, including (but not limited to)
travel (all forms),
food (portion size, salt, fat content and type),
loyalty to nation state,
living space,
Claimed to be for our own good, it is very clearly for the good of those who would rule over us with an iron rod and who would much prefer that we were a submitting sheeple. Now I wonder … why do those rulers appear to favour Islam as the State religion?
The synchronicity thing is my answer to those who sneer about “conspiracy theories” when I bring up the loss of liberties across all Western countries, Yokel.
One or two countries looks unfortunate. All of them looks like a plan.
The solution to all this crap is a vigorous enforcement of rule .308
The soap box has failed. The jury box has failed. The ballot box has failed. All that remains is the cartridge box.
“The soap box has failed. The jury box has failed. The ballot box has failed. All that remains is the cartridge box.”
AMEN! Guns.
I find myself looking at what’s happening in Greece right now (and may soon happen in Spain) and instead of being horrified by the riots, I’m thinking “about bloody time”.
There’s the usual whining in the media about fascism and so forth, but silence about an elected Prime Minister being removed by Brussels bureaucrats!
Screw the bastards–let it burn. :rant
You allowed yourselves to be disarmed. They took your guns from you and now can do what they want without fear of uprising.
Until you rise up and force your rights, you will be nothing more than slaves.
Australia now on UN Security Council. The freedom haters will be very pleased indeed! I regard the UN as an “unprincipled enemy.”
I wonder how fast they will join the chorus to condemn Israel? A day? 2? A week? They will do it.
:rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant
He’s got it exactly right, Os.
Bullrush banned in NZ, long ago. Tree climbing banned. All parents to be monitered by the government. Big Brother.
And barely a murmur from the serfs, Jo…
Next we’ll be hearing “Show us your papers!” from people in black uniforms.
Oh yes! We’re a hair’s breadth away from that right now.