Why the hell do so-called conservatives tolerate leftist media lynchings?

‘View’ takes religion, military, abortion shots at Ann Romney after playing ‘romantic’ softball with Obamas

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21 Responses to Why the hell do so-called conservatives tolerate leftist media lynchings?

  1. mawm says:

    That thick twat Hoopi has run out of race cards to play. Ann Romney handled it with grace and charm.

  2. KG says:

    The trouble is, Mawm, that merely by appearing on a show run by vicious babbling bubbleheads, she helps legitimise the creeps.

  3. Redbaiter says:

    Yes, and I don’t know why they agree to go on debates when they;re moderated by extreme leftists without an objective bone in their body. They know who that fat commie slag Candy Crowley is. They go on the debate and then they moan about bias??

    WTF is worong with them. What they should do is say no- no debate until the moderator problem is fixed.

    Apparently they’re too friggin’ spineless to take this small step and confront the political corruption of the media. Therefore they get what they deserve.

    I have said for so long that Conservatives have to stop viewing today’s media s objective and start talking of it and treating it as the enemy. WTF they refuse to do this I do not know.

    • KG says:

      “WTF they refuse to do this I do not know.”
      Because many of them are spineless. Because so many don’t have a clear vision they’re prepared to fight for. Because many simply view themselves as an alternative, not as representative of the American ethos. Because politicians and bureaucrats form a class and that class has more in common with the marxists than it does with the people who elect, pay for and tolerate them.
      The short answer, I guess, is that a people get the government they deserve.

  4. GunRights4US says:

    I’d rather support wild-eyed libertarians. At least they’re more likely to have a spine than so-called conservatives in the party of the dead elephant.

  5. Darin says:

    The questions about Vietnam and families of the fallen were pretty pathetic,Geez,there were 35 million there abouts American men of age who did not serve in the military then.It only stands to reason that some just simply would not be picked.
    Of course the perfect reply to the question of what to tell the families of the fallen would have been-“well he certainly won’t be signing their condolences letters with an Auto-pen”

  6. Katie says:

    No matter what Obama says, no matter what the Liberal media says or does, Obama’s poll numbers are falling faster than Felix Baumgartner. In fact, he is losing this election and will be thrown out of the White House faster than you can imagine.

    The days of Liberal bias being believed by the average American is over.

  7. KG says:

    This just in, at Breitbart:
    ‘The Romney campaign reached another milestone this afternoon. For the first time in the campaign, Romney now leads in RealClearPolitic’s electoral map. Previously, Obama had a 10-vote edge, but RCP has now moved North Carolina from toss-up to “lean Romney.” Romney now edges Obama 206-201 in the electoral college. The other 131 votes are rated “toss-up.”

  8. KG says:

    Sultan Knish, on the power of the media:
    ‘..They are the Mediacracy and they are the Ministry of Propaganda. They are the smirking people who got tired of telling you how many people died in an earthquake in Indonesia and decided to begin explaining to you why the earthquake is your fault because you don’t ride a bike to work. These are the people who longer want to report on a shooting, but want to tell you that it’s time for a firearms ban. They no longer want to report on Washington DC, unless they can control Washington DC.
    ….The old institutions of elections are becoming a charade, a formal routine where the outcome is determined by the employees of a handful of major media corporations that present the public with the inevitable result. And America is falling into the hands of the Government-Media Complex…’

  9. KG says:

    From the Prof at Bunyipitude:
    Fancies Himself a Bit

    WHEN Obama was a lad someone told him he was a special boy a few thousand times too often. From American Thinker:

    When queried about the lack of security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, Obama responded:
     “Well, let me first of all talk about our diplomats, because they serve all around     the  world and do an incredible job in a very dangerous situation.”

    “Our” diplomats. That’s the perfunctory throwaway line. What followed was truly astonishing:

    “And these aren’t just representatives of the United States, they are my representatives. I send them there, oftentimes into harm’s way.”

    Whoa! Wait a second! “These aren’t ‘just’ representatives of the United States?”

    • Darin says:

      Congressman Darryl Issa (R) is supposed to have access to real-time drone data and video that shows the Libya attacks as they happened.

      Also the desperate phone calls from the Ambassador pleading for help while the attack raged on.No help was sent,even though it was available.

      If that wasn’t bad enough the two former Navy Seals who were killed were not in any way part of the security team.They were a 1/2 mile away and responded to the calls for help coming from the ambassador’s compound.They were both killed defending the ambassador and are now being denied fallen hero status by the administration.The administration also refuses to acknowledge that those Seals were not part of the security detail so it can continue to perpetuate the myth that the ambassador had adequate security.

      What were those Seals doing there?It came out last week they were part of a team sent into track down some weapons supplied by the US and NATO that went missing.Those weapons? 10-20,000 shoulder fired surface to air missiles,probably now headed to an airport near you :rant :rant