Wabbit is too utterly disgusted to bring himself to relate the sordid story. The details are HERE, for those with strong stomachs. *shudder* Surely a Royal Commission of enquiry is called for?
UPDATE: below the fold is the evidence Mistress Mara requested.
I see the island of the easily offended has a demiographic of 25% islamophilles…
It has, Os. mealy-mouthed purse-lipped multiculti leeches have flocked to the place, eager to welcome illegal immigrants and offer them my money and my culture on a plate.
What’s the betting it was one of those who complained?
What was it that Kipling said about single men in barracks not being plaster saints?
Anyhow, there was that time in the Philippines (1968) when me and my buddies on R&R jumped buck naked into Manila Bay with some young lovelies after a few brewskis, much to the amusement of the locals.
But people had a sense of humor then…and no one called the Federal Police…even if we did have more than two beers.
They’ll probably court martial you retrospectively, Ronbo.
Yes KG, and retrospective courts-martial for all those ANZACS photographed skinny-dipping at Gallipoli in 1915.
Whenever I see or hear the word “inappropriate” I know there’s a bucketful of leftist progressive shite about to drop. :gunner
Yep. I hate that weasel-word, John.
The guts of a conversation between me and a leftist a while ago;
Leftist: …..but, but thats inappropriate…
Me: well, that’s ok then.
Leftist: whaddya mean?
Me: I thought you were going to tell me it was illegal.
Leftist: :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant
Would that be equivalent to ‘Fairness’ or ‘Fair’ in reference to tax payments?
Grrr….don’t get me started on those bastards, Michael.
I think it was Kipling who said “the East is east and the West is west and ne’er the twain shall meet.” He couldn’t have imagined Christmas Island. (It is deliciously ironic that Christmas Island is so-named given its current inmates.) :whoop
Very ironic indeed, Cadwallader. Maybe Julia and the gang can give some thought to renaming it something more neutral, I dont know….. how ’bout Allahu akbar Island?
Gillard? She’d christen (oops!) it the Genderless Atoll or somesuch.
She’d probably approve of the famous Christmas island red crabs, though. Perhaps–given her record of sleeping around with married men–she’s done her bit towards keeping the species alive… :popcorn
(but perhaps I’m being unkind. To the crabs,that is. They may feel offended at being linked to a Welsh communist redheaded lawyer who has a history of sleeping around and getting house renovations paid for by corrupt union officials)
How about “Allah”-catraz complete with an operational death row? :gunner
That was truly shocking and it was brave of you KG to post it. All individuals engaging in such unspeakable behaviour ought to be jailed indefinitely with hard labour. I may need ongoing counselling to help me forget.
I wonder if the hard labor will go with the hard on?
ps … Do you have any close-up pics of the vile offenders, preferably when they are offending?
I’ll see what I can find, Mara. But be prepared to be deeply shocked. Shocked, I tell you!
Boys will be boys! Nice bodies and cute asses.
:whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop
You hide your disgust and disapproval well, Katie.
That I do. I just don’t see anything wrong with this.
It’s a hard job KG but somebody’s got to do it and we’re all steeling ourselves for the shock horror revelations. Just remember to keep it within the bounds of appropriatnesstude.
We try, John, but the truth will out. I can only plead age and gross insensitivity. :popcorn
I was recently the victim of inappropriate behavior at the hands of a 26 year old 136lb blond female

I was minding my own business when she snuck up behind me and began massaging my neck and shoulders.
I was so shaken up by her inappropriate behavior that I told her in a stern voice that she could stop it anytime the following week.
It was a harrowing experience,but I think with time and some counseling I could learn to overcome or at at very least accept it,willingly,at least four or five times a week
Oh lifes trials can be rough you know :popcorn
You poor bastard–we all feel for you, Darin. :whoop
Don’t worry,I’m sure with time I will be able to
gropeuhmmm…..cope with the behavior in questionMan is an adaptable creature… :cheers
A few blokes strip off for a swim in the tropics and the world is coming to an end- yet a pack of perverts can openly parade and flaunt their deviancy with the blessing of oficialdom, under the guise of a ‘Hero’ (spits) parade…
Exactly os :censor :censor
“The commanding officer of HMAS Broome has offered a formal apology to the Christmas Island community and the Australian Federal Police”
And he wants relieving of his command too.
Whatever happened to officers sticking up for the men under their command? Is that now quaint and old-fashioned??
What HUNKS!!
I know-I’m late to the party–
“If I found [insert fantasy partner here] in my bed I’d give [him/her] 30 days to get out!”
30 days? What an softy. I’d give them life!
Thanks for the awful pics KG. I took a magnifying glass to the one on the far right so as to increase my offendedness.
One hopes you’re not permanently scarred by the experience, Mara.
Call me surprise and my mom says nice butts, lol.
Evidently modern Australians have given away their historic mojo and exchanged it for cringing pommy political correctness.
No bargain.