How low the office of POTUS has been brought by just one man!
‘Americans deserve to know immediately why an infomercial executive with direct business ties to the Chinese regime has gained such influence and proximity to power inside the Obama White House.
…..The Government Accountability Institute (GAI) has revealed that Mr. Roche, not the Obama campaign, owns–a strange redirect website that sends visitors directly to a donation page where donors may make online contributions without entering a credit card security code. Donors then receive follow-up email solicitations for additional contributions regardless of whether they are U.S. citizens or foreign nationals–a direct violation of U.S. election law. Sixty-eight percent of the traffic flowing to is foreign. ..’ Breitbart
The article has a lot more detail. Why this traitorous creep hasn’t been arrested or impeached is a mystery.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Russia, Iran, the U.N. have all stated they’re hoping for an Obama win in November. Does that not ring alarm bells for the clowns who intend to vote for him?
Also add Castro and Chavez. oBowa is in good company, the kind he likes. mmm mmm mmm. A pure upfront insult to any American president or should be.
!!?$!Rescue me!!/?Like you know like ah er eh some may think Y V. Trurily is a pointy head doofus however like at some point YVT also gets fed up like any good ole Bible thumpN bitter clinger SO YVT is very mad and ain’t gonna take it no more!!!BlackBerry has made a new rule 4 D Chigger Chamber that bein’ mandatory attendunce @ prayeers 500 times a day 2 Allalular & goddam that is takN it 2 far.
Anyhow must briefly take care of my dookies:
BlakBerry has assed yvt via txt msg 2 ass you in D 56-57th Steaks how many of you asses will B attendN classes 2day?? Following his Southern Nigra speech, BlackassBerry* has Evolved Optimal Klass Opportunities 4 Idiots as follows:
The Lekture Series forthwith B 1. How to konduck muslim prayerz 5-5,069 times a day and still get some work done. Offered by Black Hussein Hussein Mohammed Mohammed de la’taShondalyn o”bowalot. 2. Thy Will B Done conduktaped by Reverend Jerry Wright assissted by Dr. Ubangi Ubetcha. 3. How 2 make a killin N D racebaitiN Biz & invest the take on Wall Street ledeth by Reverent Alphonso Sharptonne, 4. How to whip Peterz taught by Mrs. Robinson and Daughter who additionally demonstrate “How 2 brush great big teeth.”****
5. How to be commander-N-chief or a top gen’l** 6. How to live a lie plus insult America 24/7 as PresidentNHater-in-chieff” led by Barry “Fug Amerikkka” Soeterreoular. 7. How 2 get the Hell outta Dodge real Quick ledeth by Dr. Chevy “Fireball” Volt. 8.”How 2 B an imbecile & not know it” with David AxelROD, Sean Penn & Madonna as guest lek2rerz.
Yes Yes Yes Peeples we got a heavy klass schedool 2day!!! Report early for seating***
sorry ’bout dis shit tata I been good 2U since they took my small 56 craproom, 47 bedroom cottage@martha’s Vineyard dam U O me save my assU basturdsNOW Yours Verily Trurilularly, HarvardPotatoHead
*D blacker D berry D sweeter D juice. Now SING it real loud: D blacker D berry D sweeter D juice [move up one octave} d blacker etc etc like so on & so forth
**Don’t give no bullets to D troopZ
***or B beheadeD.
****with a humongous pressure washer
You are judged by the company you keep………or in this case the whole administrations company.
HEH! Great minds, Mawm–take a look at the latest post.