American prestige and the Kenyan commie:

And:   A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House

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10 Responses to American prestige and the Kenyan commie:

  1. GW says:

    Heh. Well, Ronmey did mention both Obama’s “apology tour” and his penchant for inviting our enemies to tea. Tonight was a good one for Romney. The Romney ‘mo will continue through Nov. 6. On Nov. 7, Baracky can start looking for real estate in Kenya with a January move-in date.

    • KG says:

      I can’t tell you just how much I want to see that, GW.

    • Andrew Berwick says:

      Baracky can start looking for real estate in Kenya with a January move-in date

      I’ve higher hopes for Mitt, Ryan & Bolten than that. A short stay in a supermaxx, followed by a lethal injection will show that America has returned to its Constitution as a Republic, with Republican government!

  2. KG says:

    Hmm..access denied to that linked site, Robert. (doesn’t allow hot-linking)

  3. KG says:

    Aaaah, I see…. :mrgreen:
    Well, at least they weren’t smoking as they went down, eh? :grin:

  4. Contempt says:

    Did not watch the debate but did listen to the final comments. My mind was made up 4 years ago on oBowa.

    Somalia seems a better destination for Barry/michelle or maybe a zoo somewhere.