‘…Everything that the West has done to appease Muslims has worked as well as a man jumping into a tiger cage and pouring meat sauce all over his body. Each act of appeasement only makes Muslim violence necessary and inevitable. Every increase in the Islamic footprint in the West attracts Islamists intent on expanding and purifying that footprint, as they have done in their own countries. The more the West takes in Islamic populations and laws, the more Islamists are compelled to bring diaspora Muslim populations and laws into full compliance with their theology….’
Sultan Knish
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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!!!HOLYSHEETS!!!White ones @ that! WhewWOW, Yours V. Trly thought that dude was BlackBerry holding up he teleprompTer OMAllahular!!!The Bog Administraitor hath scarethed the blackshit outta yvt especially because yvT yestRday ate a whole bottle of chewable fiber tablets in four flavors. Thank Abdullah Mohammed Al’Satan 4 inventing implanted www’s in myeth braineth because it has relieved the stoppage like you know log jam of intesteular waste ASAP. Whew feel much lighter!!!Mo Later tata must go yvt B very bizzy down heah in BlackBerry’s Chigger Kompound email yvtruly at SweetBlackBerryJuice@Kenya.GeorgeO‘Ta’bama.gov
I’m so relieved you’re keeping an eye on things, Spudnut. Let us know when the Kenyan and his melanin-enhanced Eva Braun retire to the bunker with the cyanide pills and a gallon of gas, please.
Soon please.