Anne Penketh is a flat-out liar

posing as a “journalist”. In a headline story this morning in Kiwipravda the NZ Herald, she describes the debate between Obama and Romney in the following terms:
Obama shows who’s master
Romney turns into subdued pupil after rival’s putdowns in third and final presidential debate.
Like a teacher with a particularly stubborn pupil, President Barack Obama gave a masterclass in foreign policy to Mitt Romney in their third and final presidential debate before the election in two weeks…’
It’s impossible to believe she’s merely an ignorant woman entirely out of her depth, who got the job by virtue of skills better exercised in the bedroom than the newsroom. This weasel is a low-grade socialist shill with a wide-on for the undocumented Kenyan.
And Kiwipravda occupies the same level as her, for repeating this garbage.

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21 Responses to Anne Penketh is a flat-out liar

  1. KG says:

    A nice line from Nidra Poller:
    “..The great defender of women’s rights is proud of his contribution to the “liberation” of lands where women are now being wrapped up in niqab and delivered into the hands of morality squads…”

  2. Fairfacts Media says:

    I wouldn’t know how she got the job, but Anne Penketh is a vile creature.
    She has also written for the Guardian, The Independent and the New York Times.
    She has much form as a leftist shill.
    On the Hill blog she roasted Condi Rice and seems to support all the leftist positions.
    Granny Herald needs to be warned it runs the risk of ruining its credibility further when it produces such overt partisan pieces.
    How much will socialist shamateurism cost it in lost sales and readers?

    • KG says:

      I’m not sure the NZ Herald has any credibility left to ruin further, Fairfacts. It’s surely only believed by the brain-dead and the lazy anyway. Which is fitting, since it’s produced by the brain-dead and lazy individuals who pose as “journalists”.

  3. Redbaiter says:

    Agree with KG. The Herald has no credibility left to lose. Its not a newspaper, its just a bunch of left wing liars doing propaganda for global communists.

    Click on the so called journalist’s name and you will see all her other articles.

    She’s just another example treacherous of cowardly communist scum of the type that has brought the craft of journalism to its lowest point ever.

  4. Fairfacts Media says:

    All what the NZ Herald has done is its page editors have taken the story she will have written for someone else.
    Pity, as there are far more trustworthy sources of news around.
    They don’t necessarily have to be right of centre but as a monopoly newspaper, Granny needs to take care that it is impartial.
    But it clearly failed here.

    BTW, not that I ever did, I won’t be buying any Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in future.

  5. MIchael in Nelson says:

    On a bulletin board I frequent, the comment was made that Romney out maneuvered Obama and his campaign by not hammering him on Lybia. Figuring how much time they must have spent preparing for it, the move was probably smart. I can just picture Obama waiting and waiting for his chance and it never came. :twisted:

    • KG says:

      That’s a nice thought. And I like the idea of the Kenyan steadily bleeding support as the facts about Libya leak out.
      I’m genuinely surprised too, at just how blatant the media partisanship has become, Michael.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Oh, come off it KG. You’re no more surprised than I am.

        Quite apart from the Democrat Recruitment Network, aka MSNBC, the CNN post-match review yesterday included Van Jones and Cirque de Soleil Solyndra Soledad O’Baby!

        Just the facts, ma’am. :roll:

  6. KG says:

    :whoop No, seriously, I am. They’ve moved from outrageous spin to just plain flat-out lying. Across the board.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yes, I agree there has been an increase in the level of fiction being reported.

      But then, when your Unicorn Hover-Pony is about to get smashed in ways previously-thought unimaginable, you’re gonna leave reason at the door, ainchya?

  7. KG says:

    “Unicorn Hover-Pony” :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Oops …

      Hat-tip Bill Whittle.

      With apologies to Mr Whittle for not appropriately attributing initially.

  8. KG says:

    It’s the funniest term for the Kenyan I’ve seen and it somehow sums him up perfectly.

  9. john says:

    The writing is on the wall and the media whores are becoming increasingly desperate. They will do/say anything, no matter how outrageous, to keep “The One” in power.

    Or, to put it more crudely, but hey, leftists like social realism, they’ve been blowing O for so long now they like the taste.

  10. KG says:

    :censor :censor you don’t mind if I pass on that one?

  11. WAKE UP says:

    Reading Penketh’s piece in the Herald I doubted that she had even watched the debate. It’s a complete fiction.

    • KG says:

      I reckon so too, Wakey. It looks as though she simply cobbled that trash together from other lefty sources.

  12. Probably dreams of making out and sucking face with the metrosexual.