After that, the academics. Australian taxpayer’s money is being spent by traitorous scum in order to undermine our national sovereignty, hand over the protection of our borders (laughable as that “protection” is under the Gillard Gang) to the U.N. and reduce working Australians to voiceless serfs who must stand by and watch helplessly as the country is invaded by third-world filth:
‘AN Indonesian fisherman has filed the first international case against Australia’s people smuggling laws.(No he hasn’t–a pack of bleeding-heart leftist leeches have decided to use him to further their own agenda. KG)
The man, known only as Mr Nasir, is currently serving a five-year jail term in Australia.
……According to the University of NSW’s Human Rights Clinic,
(Funded by whom? If by the taxpayer, who the fuck asked US? KG)
which is representing Mr Nasir, this is the first time the UN committee will decide whether Australia’s mandatory sentencing laws breach the nation’s obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
(“Obligations”?? I have no damned “obligations” under a covenant I was never asked my opinion of, that was signed by scumbag politicians who deemed it unnecessary to consult the serfs before they signed up to something dreamed up by a fascist, undemocratic gang of leeches. KG)
….Law student Lucy Gedders, who drafted the man’s claim, said Australia’s mandatory sentencing laws had failed to deter people smugglers..’
I wonder if mealy-mouthed self-important little bimbo collectivist creep Lucy – effing – Gedders would be so keen (and well funded) to travel to a cesspit such as Somalia and preach to the kind of violent assholes she’s helping import into Australia?
Actually, I don’t wonder at all. These “human rights” warriors are brave enough between the Uni cafeteria and the nearest Starbucks, but draw the line at putting their own worthless hides at risk. Far easier to leech off the taxpayer and strike emotionally satisfying poses. *spit*
:wtf are you going to lead the revold KG? Get off the net and start your own tea party?
I wish, Jo. I have neither the time nor the money. Australia already has a Tea Party equivalent in any case. And why would it be necessary to “get off the net” in order to do it anyway?
This site is my small contribution, at my expense.
Perhaps you could also carry similar stories on your site? You do have a site, don’t you?
“You do have a site, don’t you?”

I think perhaps it was lost on the wee Kiwi bimbo, vonL.
I guessed you were. The semi-literate response confirms it.
Thank you for making yourself absent.
I’m sure she’s still lurking……………..FUCK OFF JO
KG, excuse me for taking advantage of your hospitality. :cheers
Was that a Joanne or a Jonah? Either way, much as I always side with the mouse in a cat vs mouse stoush, being a softie with animals, I occasionally love to see people stripped “naked” as it were. Your blog KG, but engagement might have been fun. And try saying mouse stoush 10 times quickly.
She may yet return, Mara. After all, she/he/it isn’t banned or anything.
Should there be a return bout, I’ll leave it in your capable (if slightly warped) hands, ok?
Not that I think it’s your actual hands which are warped. The mind, however………
Ha Ha KG. In full professional mode and at top dollar, I could probably whap your ass in under 15 minutes. You are, after all, a man. Nothing wrong with that. Just saying.
Sigh..I plead guilty to Mere Maleness.
Can we send Lucy Gedders to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran or any other Muslim hellhole and make her live like a women in those countries for a decade or two. Bet you she changes her mind very fast.
But her kind never would, Katie. All mouth and no principles.
Sometimes they do. I can hope before we kill them.
She ‘s human ……..what do you expect……… :roll :roll
Of course We are KG………
She’s human. What do you expect?.?…
Having fouled up the comments I’m off to read Dostoefsky…..Sod the spellcheck
Wouldn’t T.S. Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats be a better choice?
:whoop You didn’t foul them up, Pompuss. No cat would ever do that.
Isn’t Dostoyevsky a, given the weather you’re not enjoying right now? (mind you, I did enjoy The Brothers Karamazov).
Sholokhov’s “The Don Flows Home To The Sea” is a fine read, if you haven’t already.
h fear….Have my paws killed yet another thread?…….Clumsy Moi…..
Not at all.
Boring, boring, boring. And angry.
Yes, we know you are, Jo.
Never mind, you’ll feel better once the medication kicks in.
Amazing. The first comment was polyfiller, at best and insulting at worst. The second was worse than the first.
Had “Jo” engaged in conversation like a grown-up we could have had an interesting discussion. And s/he would have received an education. Of course, Leftards are incapable of engaging in conversation, or behaving like grown-ups so it’s a forlorn hope; they always go in with exactly the same tactic: fling poo around.
I find it baffling, Gantt, why they even bother. A bit like spraying graffiti on private property, innit? Except that some graffiti artists are at least highly talented.
Lucy Gedders … Yet another example of what leftist indoctrination centres [universities et al] are churning out these days.
If the future is in the hands of todays yoof, and she is a typical example, then we are well and truly stuffed.
Is there anyone under 30 who can actually think critically these days and come to the right conclusions?!
Why do you think the left are campaigning to have the voting age lowered, Kris?
Yep, KG – there is an over-arching evil agenda at work here, and those who head it have sold their souls [quite literally] for temporal gain and prestige. That this agenda is satanically inspired and driven I have absolutely no doubt.
That the Left are in bed with that other satanically inspired death-cult is also no surprise. Birds of a feather …
Bye bye Jo, you semiliterate, oafish piece of garbage.
You were dealt with fairly politely, considering you persisted in commenting after being invited to leave.
You are now banned. Perhaps when you grow up, you’ll realise what a graceless and profoundly ignorant clown you were, unfit for adult company. But thanks for one thing…reminding us of the pointless mewling we’re spared by our “no leftists” policy.
There’s never an end to the list of these bleeding heart asswipes who just can’t help themselves.
At the end of the day they simply want open borders, free welfare, free everything for everyone. Not a care in the world who’ll pay for it or the consequences of such stupidity, these sniveling tweener-brained shits don’t do money or consequences.
And I have to question the parents who raised such dangerous parasites. Where the fuck is the sense of responsibility and shame in these cretins. Using other peoples money to push for even more wasting of other people’s money.