‘Forecasters surprised by El Nino turnaround
…Dr Watkins says they are not sure why there has been a cooling down.”It actually is quite a unique situation if we end up not going into an El Nino event,” he said.’
What! You mean the billion-dollar taxpayer-funded computer models were wrong? Whodathunkit! They’re “not sure why” but they know with absolute certainty that man is causing the global warming that hasn’t happened for the past sixteen years. Get out the chicken entrails–they’d hardly be any less credible.
Short term weather prediction is unrelated to AGW modeling.
It is, however, how AGW got started in the first place. All those government funded supercomputers for better weather prediction and they found out that weather was fractal and couldn’t be predicted. Big emergency – lots of researchers to lose their jobs/grant. How about a study of the effects of increasing Co2 in the atmosphere? Much easier to do – and much harder to disprove the results. Problem solved – funding saved – but only so long as bad things were predicted to happen.
K2, the point I was making (poorly ) is that the short term predictions are based on certain models, and in that sense they certainly are related to AGW modeling –both use certain assumptions and inputs to predict a future event.
(and in fact there’s a massive amount of evidence now that the models used by the AGW industry are utterly useless. Watts Up With That and Jo Nova have been hammering that point for a long time)
Dr. Watkins is not sure why there has been a cooling down just this year but climatologists on the taxpayer tit know for sure the future effects of a few parts per million increase in Co2. Their computer models tell them so.
Not well put, again. More coffee needed.
Where are the Italian courts when we need them.
Geez,was that ever a Witch trial.
Suppose they made a prediction and called for an evacuation and the quake never came?Damned if they do and dammed if they don’t I guess :roll
Here in nz the maori party has withdrawn support for the govt.on the stupid emissions bill,but for the wrong reasons.They say it isn,t strong enough FFS.It wont matter though because it will still pass by 1 vote from Peter Dumb of United Future party,a party supported by 0.25% of the country ! Incidently KG,Like your choice of beer I found it to my liking when in Aus. recently,probably as good or better than Speights..
“..probably as good or better than Speights..”
Which is interesting, Tom, because I was looking for a replacement for the Speights I liked so much, when I found the Carlton.
:wtf Speights is crap, unless that’s the Speights pilsner…..
Sure is. I like a bitter beer………….not the “moffie” beers like
speightscarona.Something about great minds?
I heard on the radio that apparently there are some scientists stuck on a ship somewhere in Antarctica, the ice they promised us all was melting and would drown all of us bastards has frozen them in apparently.
Naturally global warming and bastard humans will be blamed. Another tax will be needed soon.
:whoop sounds about right.