Whatever it takes…

‘President Obama will be featured front and center in the upcoming National Geographic Channel film, SEAL Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden. News of the edit has sparked an outcry with some Republicans who alleged that producer Harvey Weinstein, who is a known supporter of the president, is trying to sway the election.
….Film will premier on November 4, two days before Election Day’

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14 Responses to Whatever it takes…

  1. Phil Stephenson says:

    Anybody would think it was him and Hilary there in their BDU’s, taking out the bad guy, putting their lives on the line for their country. “Featured front and centre … … ?” Doing what?

  2. KG says:

    Looking..um..Presidential Phil? :lol:

  3. The butt kissing has kicked up a notch hasn’t it.

    So is barry portrayed as one of the SEAL team six, actually there on the ground, on point, first through the door into the hail of bullets etc.

  4. Sci Fi Guy says:

    And here is what the real heroes think of him.

  5. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!What time*!!!Down heare in BlackBerry’s Chigger Kompound things are going swimmingly. Level 6666 has been flooded for SEAL training. The Fruit Lounge !tonite! will be converted to the Mermaid Lounge @ which late hour 2nite Diplomatic Pouch will strip down to her tail. Well, to Y V. tryl, it all sounds a bit fishy but then this whole goddam joint is starting to feel rather scaley or is it slimey? Rumor is that if BlackBerry loses** they are gonna cement everybody down here so nobody will discover this here vast operation which being a double Mensa member with a Harvard Law skool education even if yvt did not attend even 1 [one] class.

    In D Fruit Lounge this afternoon the Invisible Black Boys entertain us peons with Nigra Spirituals from the good ole days of slavery. Plus @ halftime Mrs Robinson will demonstrate how to put a prophylactic condominium on Diplomatic Pouches nose or a rutabaga which ever cums first [1st] OOPS here they B runnin at me!!Holy Arugularular shit tata gotta haul ass****I N trubble bad

    *is it? Half past a crack in BlackBerry’s Ass.
    **won’t happen btw***
    ***btw = by the way
    ****B4 they kiss my ass and go for a pass holy allularakbar

  6. Contempt says:

    oBowa is pretty damn scary. please go away.

    o/t nice scene of Southern East coast with music. Fires me up in a different sor of way than obowa’ass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaERcZQhnMk

  7. Katie says:

    If it isn’t a show with 1/2 naked women, former Amish or Preppers the people will not be watching it. It is FOOTBALL season people. The people are not turning off the weekly game for a :censor movie about Obama.

    :popcorn :cheers :popcorn :cheers :cheers

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    It’ll be FUCKING boring movie! Half-witted Manchurian Appeaser-in-Chief takes 3 weeks to make a decision any of his 43 predecessors would have made in 0.01 nanoseconds. Then, having so decided and sending SEAL Team Six into harm’s way, the fucker GOES TO BED!

    Sounds a bit too much like some French arty-farty bullshit for me.

  9. john says:

    The only role I can see for Barry in any movie pertaining to military affairs is one in which he is blindfolded, tied to a stake and with the sound of bolts going home in the background. :evil:

    • john says:

      PS…. and no Pixie Caramel for this fucker.

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      I was thinking along the lines of ‘FIX— BAYONETS!’

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        See, Os, Fix Bayonets works for Barry, but if there was ever a suitable candidate for that medieval punishment you mentioned the other day – death by sawing – it would surely be Moochelle Antoinette? :gunner

  10. KG says:

    Works for me, John. :twisted:

  11. john says:

    Oh yes, Os, he knows all about them. Just like he knows all about corpsemen and submarine ships.