“Beat Your Ploughshares Into Spears”

From our friend Seneca III, over at Gates of Vienna, speaking out in a country where it’s now dangerous to do so. He has a message for Christians:
“..it infuriates me..I mean the least they could do, to us seculars who are trying to fight this, is praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
The best you could do, you Christians, is beat your ploughshares into spears and stand beside us..”
And he’s right. I’m bloody sick of Christians babbling on about forgiveness and pity and prayer when what’s needed right now is the guts to speak out, to fight an implacable enemy. (and its enablers among our politicians, bureaucrats and law enforcement agencies.) Christians form a large and potentially powerful bloc which could be a valuable ally in the fight against the ideology which will destroy our civilisation, yet the churches are largely mute, cowed. Quibbling about minor doctrinal differences while the city behind them burns. Watch Seneca’s video, if only to see what a brave man looks like. There aren’t very many left.

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26 Responses to “Beat Your Ploughshares Into Spears”

  1. mawm says:

    Very good.

    I see that Tommy Robinson and 51 others from the EDL have been arrested in England and 5 board members of the pro Germany, anti Islam group Pro Koln have been arrested in Germany. To add insult to injury apparently Tommy Robinson has been housed in a wing of the gaol where all the muslims are. :wtf


    • KG says:

      Yep. If anybody doubts this is war, with the Establishment on the side of the primitive goat-humpers, they’re brain-dead.
      Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner and the State intends to kill a “dissident” using muslims inmates as their proxies.
      Sorry, Mawm, but I believe Breivik was right.

      • mawm says:

        If only Breivik had got those responsible.

        • KG says:

          Well, he got those who were being trained to follow in the footsteps of those responsible.

        • mawm says:

          Hmmmm……..Hollywood has already made a movie (Minority Report) about and both the British government and Obama’s Homeland Security have ventured into the “Pre Crime” and “Thought Crime” arena. :cheers

          • KG says:

            Well, that’s a fair point Mawm but it also misses the larger point.
            Which is, when citizens are disempowered by their own governments and those governments are busy destroying an entire culture, then sooner or later people have to decide for themselves whether to act or not.
            It comes down to arguing about Breivik’s choice of targets.
            Is the equivalent of a Hitler Jugend camp “pre crime”?
            Is the act of holding the mortar bomb above the tube, ready to drop it “pre crime”?

          • mawm says:

            Which is, when citizens are disempowered by their own governments and those governments are busy destroying an entire culture, then sooner or later people have to decide for themselves whether to act or not.

            I’m 100% behind you on this. We’ll just have to agree to disagree on the other. :cheers

  2. Darin says:

    This is one Christian who gave up farming years ago ;-)

    Watch Agenda and it all becomes clear-

    The Church has been watered down along with the schools.PC is being used as a wedge to turn people against each other and strip away our freedoms.Media and popular culture are in the tank.It’s all about fragmenting and destroying civilized western society.Hitler did the same and look what happened to Germany,I don’t expect anything less this time around.The destruction and blood shed will be massive.

  3. Kris K says:

    These liberal ‘Christians’ need to think long and hard about what WOULD have been the outcome if Bible-believing Christians [many of those in the military] had stayed home during the two great world wars.

    If there’s anything that turns my stomach it is liberal luke-warm ‘Christians’ … strangely enough God has the same reaction:

    Rev 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
    Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

    That we are in a war of equal or greater magnitude and importance; a war that does indeed have global implications, there can be no doubt. To not rise up against this evil is to condone its clearly stated objectives and end-goals.

  4. KG says:

    “To not rise up against this evil is to condone its clearly stated objectives and end-goals.”
    Yes. But instead there are sermons about “social justice” and so forth. I guess it’s safer than confronting real evil..When a Christian can tell me to regard the theft of my own child as a “learning experience”, when I see another Christian saying he “pities” Obama, a man who would destroy Christianity at the drop of a hat, I give up on Christianity.

    • Kris K says:

      “social justice” BARF!
      These same liberal ‘Christians’ have a real problem with a Christ who returns to the earth the reap justice and judgement upon His enemies. Many of them avoid like the plague the writings contained in Revelation, etc.

      Coming soon …

      • Darin says:

        It’s amazing Kris how many STILL do not believe even though it’s unfolding right before their eyes.

        I would never have believed that my country would turn it’s back on Israel,but under Obama here we are :roll

        • Kris K says:

          Yeah, Darin – none so blind as those who WILL NOT see.

          And there’s a reason I occassionally refer to Zero as the “Muslim in Chief”.

  5. john says:

    Pommy Polis doing a very good impersonation of the Vichy French milice. Gutless puppets kowtowing to their musloid/nazi handlers. Eat this ya bastards :gunner :gunner :gunner

  6. KG says:

    If only….

  7. Unfortunately I think a lot more has to be lost before westerners will wake up and do what has to be done.

  8. KG says:

    Yep. Churchill said something about fighting now, when it’s merely difficult or fighting later, when it’s much, much harder.
    The fight will be later and we may well not win it.
    (strange synchronicity, RWT–I was leaving a comment in your blog and when I came back here, you’d been doing the same in CR!)

  9. KG says:

    I was angry when I wrote the “giving up on Christianity” line, but nonetheless, the major churches need to decide whether they’re going to join the fight or stand on the sidelines.
    If the latter, they have no right to moralise about those who choose to fight.

    • Kris K says:

      Sadly, KG, I believe many of the major churches/denominations will form a part of the end-time false religious system under Antichrist and the False Prophet.

      They reject and/or spiritualise much of God’s word when it is clearly meant to be taken VERY literally.

      Many, of course, preach a social gospel [social justice, anyone] where Christ is all about unconditional love, but never is the fact that He is also a God of JUSTICE even hinted at … boy, are these charlatans in for a rude shock when Christ dusts off the gloves!

  10. I had about given up on the Lutheran Church – until Rev Harrison became President of the Synod and was bold enough to stand before Congress–WOW- that action had been a no /no up until that day!!(2 years ago – as I remember) —
    and–WOW- the Lutheran Hour produced an hour long film -Intersection of Chruch and State-and bought an hour on FOX to air it–
    it discuses the FOUNDERS- geeeees- thought THAT would never happen either!! YEH–
    I saw the special – but- figured that if bought the video -Agenda – I may as well buy the video – Intersection of Chruch and State-
    We must support w/ our $$$ those who are willing to stand against the oppression of the State and who know the true HIStory of the US