Looks like there’s positive proof that the President of the United States is a liar–and that Ambassador Stevens may have been involved in a gun-running operation via the Muslim Brotherhood…Obama’s friends.
UPDATE: ‘Is Newly Appointed Libya Investigator an Islamist-Sympathizer With Ties to CAIR?’ source
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No he won’t. There isn’t a Republican with the balls to start the impeachment process. :rant
I fear you’re right, Mawm. But I’m not sure (which is a polite way of saying I haven’t a clue) that a private citizen couldn’t bring a prosecution.
He’ll just keep his security detail and have a library named after him. Cheap at the price.
You are correct, my friend, I doubt there is one CONSERVATIVE Republican with the balls to impeach President Obama, remove him from office and try him for TREASON..and when he is found…as he surely would be in an honest…to sign his death warrant.
President Bush would see to it that Saddam, the Iraqi dictator and war monger, meet his richly deserved end by means of the rope…but are there any CONSERVATIVE Republicans of the metal of Cromwell willing to see to it that an American presidential traitor march the last 13 steps up to the gallows.
The answer is “NO!”
The time has come again for RADICAL Republicans, short military courts martial of traitors and executions…The RADICAL Republicans did these sort of things in the U.S. Civil War and the time has come again for radical action to destroy the traitor – before he destroys the country.
Right on on to this comment too!!!
INDEED- the Rs are b _ _ _ -less- and have been for a very long time—
You think A. Hitler would have been impeached in NAZI Germany.
I guess not.
It used to be illegal to run guns to terrorist nations,at least that’s what they claimed during Iran/Contra.
Obama will find a way out of prison. (He has done it many times.) But Hillary will be there, unless she turns on him before the election.
Just put Bathhouse Barry in a ring with Allen West, with Fred Thompson in the corner to stop him running away. Admittedly it would be the shortest fight in history but more fun than watching a never ending trial. There are now definite factions in the WH and I would not be surprised it the Shrillary faction will be leaking more dirt on the House of O and preparing their run in 2016.
Talk is that BJ is trying to get Hillary to leak, but she doesn’t want to put the party in the mire. Watch all the leaks from anon sources in the next few days. I suggest you read the piece that The Ulsterman has posted.
….just sit back and watch them tear themselves apart.
They will not go that far-
only the Rs truly tear each other apart-
We must read their book –
Know your enemy-
Qur’an 5:51, which commands: “O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.”
Here’s the link. Read the comments and follow some of the posted links.
There was intelligence that pointed to serious trouble prior to the attacks including an IED attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in the weeks leading up to the Benghazi attack. Secretary Clinton recognized the danger and attempted to enhance diplomatic security in Libya prior to Sept. 11 according to Ed Klein of Vanity Fair and Parade. However, she was overruled and security was not sent and was in fact reduced possibly on orders from the White House. She would have had to have gone through the Pentagon and the NSC in order to get that security and the White House is the only place in the chain that could override her.
We also know that there was a Predator in the air with a sigint package monitoring the activity on the ground. The question then becomes one of if you can get a Predator airborne why couldn’t you get air support to our people on the ground? Why couldn’t you get a ground support team from Sicily to Libya in eight hours? Was that stopped as well and if so why?
The fact is that Benghazi stinks to high heaven and the reason that it stinks is because politics interfered with defense our diplomatic personnel and I will bet you that the Chicago slum lord, aka Valerie Jarrett, had her fingers in this. Can I prove that? No, but I can prove that Obama consults her on matters of national security and foreign ops and has even gone so far as to assign her a Secret Service protective detail to insure her safety. Why is she that important? Because he relies on her for advice. The President even consulted her on bin Laden prior to launching the attack.
Couple that with the fact that punishment has been handed down to the people who told Congress what really happened and you have all of the earmarks of a cover-up. It isn’t that the U.S. press is unaware of this, but they have consistently avoided the subject and have therefore become complicit in the cover-up. Unfortunately, the lid is coming off and the press now look like deer caught in headlights.
This is a long ways from being over and I think that when the true story is told it is going to make Watergate look like a day in the park.
But of course, history shows that political fervour and blind ignorance will usually transcend reason in political matters , and voting in particular. If Barry gets a second term, and he might, forget about all the lies he has told for all his political life …. he will be untouchable. And that is what scares me the most. The time to bring him down is NOW.
Maybe the Reps will have him nicely set up for impeachment hearings if he wins. Issa is a bit of a terrier………but the ones who make the decisions to go ahead are wimpish.
TREASON carries the death penalty.
As the fucker has pissed all over the Constitution- I see no reason to stick with the ‘no cruel or unusual punishment’ thing.
Amen to that Os :popcorn
Something very much stinks in Denmark.
The United States is in one BIG jar of Kemshie.
And we are NOT even 1 1-trillionth of a per cent from the top yet.
four more years and 5 cities later will be NBC’ed with 10’s of millions of Americans dead in those cities. America will STILL NOT GO TO WAR against “moderate” islams as long as berry s… for brains holds the oral office in d.c..
and that is the way it is for the 26 Oct. 2012.