‘The Washington Free Beacon (excellent news source, by the way. kg) has obtained a report soon to be released by the United Nations that calls for an international campaign of legal attacks and economic warfare on a group of American companies that do business in Israel, including Hewlett-Packard, Caterpillar Inc., and Motorola Solutions Inc.
The Human Rights Council (HRC), a body dominated by Islamic countries and known for its hostility to, and heavy focus on, the Jewish State, issued the report. The George W. Bush administration refused to participate in the HRC, but President Barack Obama joined it soon after taking office. Members of the HRC include infamous human rights abusers such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Libya, China, and Cuba…’
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With the amount of companies that do business in Israel, not including the Israeli companies that make life better, a lot of people will be doing with a lot less.
This could be a good idea. Imagine destroying the smart phone of one of these idiots since the camera and chip in the phone is a product of Israel. Or a lap top. No generic medicines (TEVA is an Israeli company.) I wonder how long this would last?
October 24 is United Nations Day or, if you’re of a different mind … Alger Hiss Day.
Good link. Amazing, isn’t it, how so much of this stuff has been disappeared down the Memory Hole?
A few snippets from Drudge: http://www.drudgereport.com/?1
Romney signs, American flags torched in veteran’s yard…
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WH: ‘We Decline to Comment’ on When President Learned of E-Mails…
‘I Need You To Keep Believing In Me’…
R 50% O 47%…
R 50% O 47%…
R 50% O 47%…
Folk who fuck with Israel tend to come second best. :gunner
And long may it stay that way. :cheers
Something Adolf Eichmann found out the hard way.
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Libya, China, and Cuba…’
You get judged by the company you keep.
Folk who fuck with Israel tend to come second best.
He he! I love the chutzpa they have to go and bomb a missile factory close on 2 000km away. That’ll make the mad mullahs think a bit harder. :popcorn
Balls of granite!
While Christopher Stevens was being tortured, raped, and killed, the president, who had plans to go to Las Vegas for a fundraiser the next day, went to bed.
Good grief!
‘Muslim immigration as a gift from God’
Lucia lives in a multi-faceted La La Land.
You send missionaries OUT into the enemies lands to win them to Christ … you don’t invite the enemy HERE en masse and then hope to convert some small minority to Christ all while the majority of the enemy set up shop.
That someone that claims to be Christian [well, a Roman Catholic] would put forward such an approach to ‘winning Muslims’ raises other larger questions about their understanding of how the biblical God operates, and whether they in fact even know Him …
It’s not Lucia’s idea, though Kris. She gives a link and puts it up for discussion.
I reckon such an idea is madness.
Yeah, I know KG – but for Lucia to even put it up as a possible discussion point is beyond lunacy. The implication being that it has at least some merit, when clearly it has less that none.
If this is a gift from God, them I am waiting on Him to supply me the way of removing them from MY country. Hopefully large caliber.
Just breaking ……
:popcorn :whoop
The creep will wriggle out from under, Medusa. :gunner