will we soon be looking to Russia for freedom, Pravda for truth?

Looks entirely possible

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3 Responses to will we soon be looking to Russia for freedom, Pravda for truth?

  1. Pascal says:

    Holy cow. They are saying just about everything I have except the part where the GOP has been operating as the rear guard since the Statist thrust was stalled by the TEA Party in anti-BummerCare uprising known as the 2010 elections.

    The Left and the Statists only knows that they each wantses it. (That’s a Gollum and Sauron cultural reference for those asleep.)

  2. Pascal says:

    Looks like this thread is pretty dead KG. Maybe nobody wanted to take the risk and click over to Pravda to find out what it is you found.

    Anyway. I came back because I thought of another aspect about all that truth telling and why.

    1. Let’s not forget that Vladimir Putin was the last chief of the dreaded KGB. And
    2. it was they who seeded the West, including the United States, with Soviet moles. 3. And a great deal of the Cold War involved psy-ops, right? Well, what category would this little tid-bit fall under:

    President Vladimir Putin could never have imagined anyone so ignorant or so willing to destroy their people like Obama much less seeing millions vote for someone like Obama. They read history in America don’t they? Alas, the schools in the U.S. were conquered by the Communists long ago and history was revised thus paving the way for their Communist presidents.

    Remember when Khrushchev threatened that “we will bury you!” This whole column is Pravda telling us how Putin is shocked how Americans have could have elected a Communist to head us up after even the former Soviet Union knows it doesn’t work. And, of course, there is their parting sentence, telling us of him referring to us as the “United Socialist States of America.”

    In short, it seems Putin is sending a rather childish message to all anti-communists that are still alive in the West. It is “Nyah, Nyah, Na, Nyah-Nyah.”

    Or, in more chilling words: “Gotcha!”

    • KG says:

      It looks that way, doesn’t it, Pascal? I thought the title was provocative enough to stir some interest, but it seems not…..