Truths which cannot be spoken:

Francis Porretto:
‘99% of all terrorist attacks since 2001 have been the work of Muslim men between 18 and 40 years of age…
……But the facts are as they are. Despite law after law, regulation after regulation, program after program, all supposedly aimed at equalizing the conditions of the races to a single high standard, America’s social pathologies have a distinctive color: black. Not all American Negroes are drug dealers, violent felons, unwed mothers, or such, but the overwhelming preponderance of America’s drug dealers, violent felons, unwed mothers, and so forth are Negroes — and peaceable Negroes reflexively rally around their violent and dissolute fellows to protect them from prosecution, correction, and criticism…’

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12 Responses to Truths which cannot be spoken:

  1. KG says:

    “..Despite law after law, regulation after regulation, program after program, all supposedly aimed at equalizing the conditions of the races to a single high standard…”
    I suspect that in fact, most of these programs weren’t so much aimed at equalizing the conditions of the races as aimed at locking in a particular voter demographic.

  2. thor42 says:

    A very good article.

  3. KG says:

    I’m so pleased he’s back, Thor. :smile:

  4. dondiego says:

    Looks like Auster’s First Law is applicable for both groups

    (If you click the 2nd link first for an overview might be best)

    • KG says:

      Brilliant link, Dond. It should be printed out, and copies of it dipped in glue, rolled in coarse sand and shoved up the anus of every effing PC leftard bastard.

      • Oswald Bastable says:

        Yes, but so many of them would enjoy that. :mrgreen:

        • KG says:

          :lol: I guess they would!
          (Aussie Army tanks going east past our door on transporters right now, Os. I guess from the N.T.)

  5. Oswald Bastable says:

    NZ’s tanks are here:

  6. KG says:

    Tankies have my respect, but buggered if I’d go to war cooped up in a brew kettle.

  7. KG says:

    :twisted: Exactly.