‘A government watchdog group has discovered that the United States government is advising Spanish-speaking residents that they need not declare their immigration status to qualify for food stamps…
…Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said of this discovery, the “USDA is actively working with the Mexican government to promote food stamps for illegal aliens.” This implication, he asserted, “should have a direct impact on the fate of the immigration bill now being debated in Congress.”
“These disclosures further confirm the fact that the Obama administration cannot be trusted to protect our borders or enforce our immigration laws,” Fitton said. “And the coordination with a foreign government to attack the policies of an American state is contemptible.”…’ Breitbart
When the piece of filth squatting in the White House said “we will fundamentally transform America”… he lied. What he meant was “we intend to destroy the America your forefathers knew and built”
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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All part of Obama’s plan to destroy the United States, comrades, nothing to see here…move along…move along…
That RINO fuckwit Lindsey Graham was on Hannity yesterday.I had to change stations before I blew a gasket and puked.”Illegal immigrants””Guest worker program”

The RINOs are insane…everyone knows legalization of the 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants in the USA will be the end of the Republican Party, as 80% of these parasites will vote Democrat.
And most Republicans will then seamlessly and easily morph into Democrats.
The logical assumption is that they ALL have the same agenda…
Inescapable, isn’t it?
Otherwise the jails would contain a hell of a lot of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. And judges.
Cultural suicide? Obama’s low- information and progressive voters seem unable to see the obvious which is that when their utopian endpoint is reached, they will have nothing of which they historically enjoyed. They will all eventually realise, some slower than others, that they can no longer do pretty much as they like. Total Govt control , no longer needing these useful idiots, will ensure their control by “executive order.” There is likely to be “Stockholm syndrome” for a bit but that wears off in time, and by then it is probably too late. Obama needs to be “replaced.”
All very true, Mara. But the process is now unstoppable.
Does it make sense that the path to global governance is racial diasporisation ……
If Europeans are completely capable of governing themselves and determining their own future then they and their descendents, wherever found are the first logical target. Immigration with out end makes renders any former European populace governable by others not “European”.
NutCase, a lot of what passes for “men” nowadays may as well urinate when sitting.
Sweden is so far down that track already, a country where men will tolerate their women being raped by imported filth while they simultaneously praise multiculturalism.
No pride, no balls, no future.
Swedish people have suddenly become victims of violent rapists.Hello? Could this increase in crime possibly be due to the importation of Muslim savages? Schurely not
Noooooo! Such a suggestion would be..um..racist.
Perfectly true, but racist nonetheless.