The Sheep of Watertown

‘..With the backdrop of Boston as the location of so many of the American Revolution’s historic events that gave rise to the ideals of Americanism, it is disturbing to see how easily and quickly the government took control over an acquiescent We the People.  How can the government manage us and protect us if we won’t submit?  What have we already traded, and what will we trade in the future for a false sense of safety…the American birthright of freedom and liberty our founders fought and died to secure?…’    American Thinker
Forget the national debt, immigration and unemployment–the most urgent problem  facing America is that fact that her citizens are now cowed by government goons. After Watertown, any tyranny is possible and perhaps inevitable.

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6 Responses to The Sheep of Watertown

  1. Ronbo says:

    No surprise that the sheep of Watertown, Massachusetts acted like SHEEP when the big bad Homeland Security wolf came to the door. :|

    But I predict DHS will get a totally different response from the Sheep Dogs of War when “The Day” comes.

    • Findalis says:

      Will that be our Fort Sumter Moment? The Healthcare bill was our Dread Scott decision.

      • Ronbo says:


        I think the Ft. Sumter moment could happen a number of ways, but in my humble opinion the most likely way would be for the economy to suddenly collapse, which would mean people get real hungry, cold and desperate real fast.

        Do you remember what happened on that cruise ship that broke in the Gulf of Mexico recently? The passengers began fighting over food and comfortable sleeping places, and they knew the situation would be over in a few days when the ship got towed back to port! Now you can imagine what would happen in any large American city if the lights go out, the grocery stores run out of food and the phones go off, etc.?

        We are talking “Lord of The Flies” with armed adults running amok and fighting pitched battles over a can of beans :!:

        Yes, I know the Obama Regime has been working overtime for YEARS to destroy the American capitalist economy, as they think their DHS and military will be able to seize control of the streets and impose a collectivist state.

        However, I think the more likely outcome in an extreme condition of a national emergency would be a Second American Revolution and the heads of traitors put up on pikes around the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

        I don’t say what I just said is inevitable. Nothing is inevitable. The American people may “embrace the suck” and become good little collectivists. I know KG thinks so, and on my bad days, I think so too.

        But I do know from my study of history that Five Year Plans and New Deals always fall apart at some point. Hitler’s Thousand Year Reich only lasted 12 years. Lenin’s Soviet Union fell more or less quietly after 70 odd years.

        I guess the bottom line is that both sides in this conflict are at the mercy of events beyond human control. One series of events could push the conflict in favor of the Left…Another set of events could push things in the opposite direction.

        We see thru a glass darkly.

  2. MvL says:

    Your tax dollars at work :mrgreen:
    Fidelity Bravery Integrity.

    • Ronbo says:

      LOL :!: :mrgreen:

      That fat ass FBI agent needs to hit the salad line :!: :mrgreen:

      • Darin says:

        Stupid bastard,always check the latch,the most secure gate in the world is one that “looks” locked.

        Not to mention one slip and he would have got a cheap sex change :mrgreen: