There’s this photo you made:
So, the thing is that we have a 2-piece blues band here in Budapest and we’re about to release a new EP (online only). And we would love to use that camel. He/She has just that clever look we need for the cover.
This is really just a favour we are asking as it is highly unlikely that we ever will see any money from releasing the record. That means we can’t pay, that’s for sure.
This is us: Frozen Steak
I’m attaching the cover draft that my bandmate made.
Please contact me and let me know if we can use your picture for the cover. Otherwise we’ll have to go to the zoo.
Best regards,
Laszlo Borza
Budapest, Hungary
Their stuff is available online at the link above, and I know we have some blues fans. Well worth a look and a listen.
What a compliment for Gecko, and well deserved.
It made her day, Zen–even if it was just to save them a trip to the zoo.
About camels in Australia:
The pioneers of the Outback found camels to be quite useful, but when railroads, highways, and trucks came along – the working camels were retired – and their offspring became free rangers, who refuse the Welfare Dime and never cast a vote for Labor

They do even better than refuse the welfare dime, Ronbo–they eat thornbush, a plant that’s a plague and a nuisance.
Well, Gecko does take the most amazing pictures.
I think so, Kirly, but then I’m hopelessly biased.
Thank you everyone
it has made my day.
Thank you Gecko for your beautiful pictures
You have encouraged me to buy a camera and try my luck at photography.
Like at the yearly May Day Demonstrations in Seattle, where the communists are allowed by the Seattle Soviet to run amok downtown and break out the capitalist glass at Wells Fargo and Bank of America.
Hum,Ronbo,armed with a camera you could end up being the official CR on the scene action news reporter.
How much are they paying and what are the residuals?
My question too–
Your work deserves recognition and you deserve $$$ (not sure what money is called in NZ):-)
Australian dollars, Carol. I think NZ still uses axe heads and blankets.
We bought Manhattan for Beads,although seeing how it’s turned out I think we got Shafted.
Nice one Gecko.