A brave woman flays the left

Bess_price‘Bess Price: why this deadly silence when our women are dying?
Northern Territory MP Bess Price, one of a number of Aboriginal conservatives now being heard, made this brilliant, brave and shocking speech in the NT Legislative Assembly.
I urge you to read it. Learn of the new racism that shields those who bash, rape and kill Aboriginal women and children in particular, and which punishes those, like Bess, who speak out against it:…’
Read it and see the viciousness and depravity of those who claim to be for “equality” and against racism.
Update: And look who shut down her speech to the N.T. Legislative Assembly.

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21 Responses to A brave woman flays the left

  1. thor42 says:


    **Good on this woman** for speaking out.

  2. KG says:

    And more like her are beginning to. I find the hostility towards them infuriating, but it at least validates what a lot of us have been saying for years–the left/academic approach is a disaster, yet the left will defend it no matter what. The solutions will have to be fought for by brave and principled people who refuse to be intimidated.

    • Darin says:

      That Prof Larrissa is a nasty one isn’t she?It’s amazingly common for lefties to be nasty horrible little trolls especially when they have been proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt.To Hell with them :evil:

      Continue to speak the truth Bess Price and others will join you!

  3. Ronbo says:

    Like Harry Truman said, “They say I give people hell, but what I do is give them the truth, and they think that’s hell.”

    The woman has “True Grit” as John Wayne might say…

  4. mistress mara says:

    Odd, isn’t it, that when white Australians treat animals the way that some abbos abuse one another (little kids especially), there is uproar in the righteous burghs of the land, but when Aboriginals behave savagely it’s “cultural); nothing that a bit more diversity training work-shops won’t fix. The perverse cruelty of the progressive liberals is almost as astounding as their elephantine stupidity. Don’t expect any change soon. :evil:

  5. john says:

    All I can assume from Larissa Behrendt’s comment is that she’s an expert when it comes to having sex with horses.

  6. mistress mara says:

    john, as long as the horse was consenting, who are we to criticise a loving relationship? A recently old-fashioned, red-necked purist might have insisted that the genders be different for this to work but that is, of course, old thinking. Very old, dying out red-necks thought the whole concept of marriage change was bollocks in 2013. Good thing they are all, harmlessly, in old folks homes.

  7. Excellent speech–that really shows you who the real racists are. The progressives who propagate and foster the word ‘racism’ are in fact the true racists.

    • KG says:

      Dead right, Conservative.

      • thor42 says:


        Some of the **very best** critics of Islam are black people like Allen West. They *know their stuff*.

        • Ronbo says:

          @Conservative: Of course, Leftists are racists and psychopaths! Like Lenin famously said to his Bolshevik Party in 1917, “Accuse the Whites of what you are.” :evil:

          In psychological terms this is called “projection.”

  8. thor42 says:

    Speaking of Aborigines – a great article here about Cathy Freeman and motherhood –

    I have to admit that even as a Kiwi, I was **stoked** to see Freeman win that 400m gold at Sydney.
    She comes across as very down-to-earth.

    Good on her for setting up the Cathy Freeman Foundation to help aboriginal kids. She is just like Bess Price – she is not just sitting back, she is actually getting out there and doing something, so good on her!

  9. mawm says:

    The left are not our only enemies (although it is hard to tell the difference between them nowdays), The TransPacific Paternership, which includes New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the US, Singapore and Mexico, are having a secret (no members of the public and no press) meeting in Lima, Peru to figure out what can be done about copyright offenders who transmit Hollywood’s precious content over the interweb’s tubes without paying for it.

    Jonkey is Obama’s, who is the rich Hollywood donor’s, bitch.


  10. thor42 says:

    I agree, mawm.

    I’ve heard a lot about the TPP, and none of it is good.
    “The TransPacific Partnership” – an innocent-sounding name for a complete stitch-up job.

  11. Brown says:

    A good Oz read is “Quadrant” which is published every couple of months or so. Its to the right of politics. The state of the natives has been an issue written about by natives with a view to getting away from welfare and doing their own thing – which won’t include the abuse they have to deal with at present. Quadrant publishes this stuff.

  12. Phil Stephenson says:

    When I was in the NSW Police Force I spent most of my service in western New South Wales, in towns with large aboriginal populations, and I got to see first hand how things are with them. I recall one time during the 90’s when the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, (generally known as ATSIC), was up and running, I was interviewing an aboriginal woman over domestic violence issues or something similar. She was a victim, not an offender, and I can’t recall what the interview was about now, but her sister was present as a support person for her. During the conversation the issue of various services available to assist aboriginal people came up, and the sister got onto a tangent about how useless the various government bodies were, and how the blackfellas that get involved were all in it for themselves, with no real benefit for the ordinary people in the community. She was quite articulate, and much of what she said rang true from what I had overserved over the previous ten years or so, and she said, “Do you know what ATSIC stands for?” I knew what it stood for but I waited for her to continue, and she said, “It stands for Aborigines Talking Shit In Canberra.”

    Little has changed.

  13. KG says:

    “Little has changed.”
    Indeed. And ATSIC was as much about Aborigines ripping off Aborigines as anything else.
    Little oversight, because nobody wanted to be accused of racism, I guess. Just fling money at ’em and hope the problems go away.
    I don’t know how a front-line cop manages to stay sane, dealing with that crap.